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Title: | 從學員觀點談國防語文中心英語高級班成效研究 A Study on Effects of English Advanced Class in Military Language Institute from Trainees’ Perspective |
Authors: | 張杏萍 Chang, Shin Ping |
Contributors: | 卜道 Blundell, David 張杏萍 Chang, Shin Ping |
Keywords: | ESP EAC Military Language Institute |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-04-12 14:21:53 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | English for Specific Purposes (ESP) has grown to become one of the most prominent areas of language learning and teaching today. There have been a number of studies that have investigated the effective ESP programs requiring relevant materials, knowledgeable instructors, and teamwork with subject matter professionals but it is not easy to find out studies related to effective ESP programs in the military. To explore and analyze English Advanced Class in Military Language Institute, it expects meaningful findings to indicate whether ESP theory for trainees is appropriately and effectively well embodied in English Advanced Class. To understand trainees’ needs, factors to affect trainees and trainees’ expectation toward English Advanced Class, the quantitative analysis of the questionnaire is conducted through descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, and ANOVA in order to indicate the direction and relationship within variables. By analyzing data, the findings reveal that course materials and teaching style need to be considered to meet trainees’ needs before starting English Advanced Class. Also, this research identifies performances concerning about motivation, positive attitude and anxiety. |
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