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    Title: 傅柯《性史》中的倫理與自由
    The ethics and freedom in Foucault`s history of Sexuality
    Authors: 謝宗宜
    Hsieh, Tzung Yi
    Contributors: 蔡錚雲
    Tsai, Cheng Yun
    Hsieh, Tzung Yi
    Keywords: 倫理
    practice of freedom
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2012-04-12 14:11:09 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 法國思想家傅柯於1984年6月出版了《性史》的第二、三卷。此二卷與第一卷的出版之間長達八年的間隔,取材的範圍也從原先16到19世紀的現代西方社會,往前推移至西元前到西元初的古希臘社會及希臘化羅馬時期。除此之外,傅柯更清楚地表明,他的研究旨趣已經從原先對權力運作的解析,轉移到關於倫理修身實踐的議題上。儘管傅柯本人對於這個轉折十分坦然,但他卻又透過主體化、真理和自由實踐等概念,說明這個轉向其實可以放進他整個研究的藍圖中。本文即以《性史》作為主要的討論素材,首先,將探討傅柯在《性史》第二、三卷中所提出的倫理是什麼?接著,由此回溯《性史》第一卷中對權力的研究,討論傅柯是怎樣分析現代西方文明中的主體化歷程?對權力的分析是否促使傅柯轉向研究自我倫理?最後,我們將綜合上述有關倫理、權力、真理及主體化的討論,說明傅柯所謂自由實踐的意涵為何?
    Michel Foucault published the second and third volumes of History of Sexuality in June 1984. The interval between the first and the rest of the volumes was as long as eight years, and the scope of the first volume was modern European society from the sixteen to the nineteen century, whereas in the second and the third volumes it extended to as early as from ancient Greek to the Hellenistic period. In addition, the central issue was shifted from “power” to “ethics” in those later volumes respectively. He frankly admitted that the central concern of this work did encounter a change described above, however, he also claimed that the change can be regarded as the link between two phases of a continued project, that is, the discussions of “power” and “ethics” are indeed integral parts of his project viewed in light of the concepts of subjectivation, truth, and practice of freedom.
    This dissertation attempts to explore the implication of “ethics” in the second and third volumes of History of Sexuality and, based on this implication explored, to elucidate the way Foucault analyses the process of subjectivation in modern Western civilization. Then in turn we try to answer whether this analysis of “power” caused Foucault’s shift of interest to “ethics.” Finally, as a conclusion, through integrated examination of the concepts of “ethics,” “power,” “truth” and “subjectivation,” we try to explicate the significance of “practice of freedom” Foucault propounds.
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    1970–1971 《求知的意志》;La Volonté de Savoir; The Will to Knowledge
    1971–1972 《刑事理論與機構》;Théories et Institutions Pénales; Penal Theories and Institutions
    1972–1973 《懲罰性的社會》;La Société Punitive;The Punitive Society
    1973–1974 《精神醫療權力》;Le pouvoir psychiatrique; Psychiatric Power
    1974–1975 《非正常人》;Les anormaux; Abnormal
    1975–1976 《「必須保衛社會」》;« Il faut défendre la société »; “Society Must Be Defended”
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    1977–1978 《安全、領土與人口》;Sécurité, territoire, population; Security, Territory, Population
    1978–1979 《生命政治的誕生》;Naissance de la biopolitique; The Birth of Biopolitics
    1979–1980 《生命體的治理》;Du gouvernement des vivants; The Government of the Living
    1980–1981 《主體性與真理》;Subjectivité et Vérité; Subjectivity and Truth
    1981–1982 《主體詮釋學》;L`Herméneutique du sujet; The Hermeneutics of the Subject
    1982–1983 《自我與他人的治理》;Le Gouvernement de soi et des autres; The Government of Self and Others
    1983–1984 《自我與他人的治理:說真話的勇氣》;Le gouvernement de soi et des autres: Tome 2, Le courage de la vérité; The Government of Self and Others: The Courage of Truth
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