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    Title: 從優選理論分析華語擬聲詞結構
    An optimality theory analysis of Mandarin onomatopoeia
    Authors: 葉雯琪
    Yeh, Wenchi
    Contributors: 蕭宇超
    Hsiao, Yuchau E.
    Yeh, Wenchi
    Keywords: 華語音韻
    Mandarin phonology
    Optimality Theory
    Date: 2010
    Issue Date: 2011-10-05 14:38:56 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本計畫擬於優選理論 (Prince & Smolensky 1993/2004) 框架下,探討現代華語擬聲詞在音韻上的特點與表現,並分析優選理如何論操作單音節及雙音節輸入項所衍生出的雙音節擬聲詞,進而完全或部分重疊成三音節及四音節華語擬聲詞。擬聲詞為模仿自然界中的聲音形成的詞彙,但並非隨意衍生形成,仍然需要遵循語言的構詞及音韻規律,才能衍生成為合法詞彙並順暢地使用。在華語音韻研究方面,歷來學者對於擬聲詞的討論並不豐富詳盡,因此本碩士論文便嘗試探討華語雙音節、三音節及四音節擬聲詞在音韻分析中的樣貌。
    重疊在漢語擬聲詞中為極為常見的現象。如現代華語中單音節的「咕」與雙音節的「咕咕」;雙音節的「滴答」與四音節的「滴滴答答」。故擬聲詞衍生中的重疊機制為本計畫中主要討論議題,此外由於華語擬聲詞結構在音段選擇中展現一致性,故另聚焦於固定音段, 如邊音/l/及前元音/i/在現代華語擬聲詞中高度頻繁地出現,我將對其起源提出假設並分析,如現代華語「劈哩啪啦」的/l/及/i/。而華語雙音節擬聲詞的來源二分為單音節輸入項及雙音節輸入項亦為討論對象。
    最後預期華語擬聲詞大致符合現代華語成詞的語法,但進行重疊時與實詞相異,語意因素不會成為衍生動機;經由優選理論分析,從音韻結構角度切入,不僅可了解華語擬聲詞衍生的制約排序,亦更加了解其音韻構詞規範,且與實詞如形容詞進行重疊時的制約排序進行比較,說明華語擬聲詞在衍生過程中傾向遵循邊緣音韻規則,與其他實詞多依據核心音韻 規則的狀況大異其趣。以此為基石去了解其他漢語方言對於擬聲成詞的標準,甚或研究日語、韓語中豐富的擬聲詞,便能構擬出擬聲成詞更具體且具有說服力的語法規則。
    In this thesis, the generation of Modern Mandarin disyllabic, trisyllabic and quadrisyllabic onomatopoeia under phonological viewpoint via Optimality Theory (Prince & Smolensky 1993/2004) approach will be discussed. In my M.A. Thesis ‘An OT analysis of Mandarin Onomatopoeia’, four factors motivated this study. First, the different sources of Mandarin disyllabic onomatopoeia which I thought there are monosyllabic and disyllabic inputs aroused my interests. Second, there are some similarities of Mandarin onomatopoeia between Mandarin core lexicons. Third, the reduplication mechanism in Mandarin onomatopoeia will be taken as a main point in this study. For example, in Modern Mandarin ‘gu’ (Sound of bird sing once) will extend into ‘gugu’ (Sound of birdsong) under total reduplication. Finally, the issue concerning what will be the best choice when Mandarin onomatopoeia is reduplicated with fixed segmentism also plays an important role in this study. For instance, the /l/ and /i/ in Modern Mandarin’s ‘pilipala’ (Sound of many things falling).
    Onomatopoeias have their special function as sound-imitating icons. They are not the words which are formed by arbitrary but by the rules. They sometimes violate phonological structures of the language in which they occur; hence they belong to the peripheral phonology rather than core one. The Mandarin onomatopoeia is different from Mandarin content words; they are not motivated by semantic factors. So the Chinese onomatopoeia generation analysis via OT approach supplies not only the morpho-phonological constraints but also the comparison of peripheral words between content words. I would like to assume that the Mandarin onomatopoeia generation follows the peripheral phonological rules. This study will provide as a basement to study on other Chinese language’s onomatopoeia or even onomatopoeia in Tibetan, Japanese and Korean.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0097161007
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[華語文教學博/碩士學位學程] 學位論文

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