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Title: | GS-based電腦輔助同步合作學習對國小學童閱讀理解成效之研究 A study of GS-based CSCL for elementary school students on the effectiveness of reading comprehension |
Authors: | 楊肅健 Yang, Suh Jiann |
Contributors: | 楊美華 林秋斌 楊肅健 Yang, Suh Jiann |
Keywords: | 電腦輔助合作學習 閱讀理解 電子繪本 CSCL Reading comprehension Electronic Picture Storybooks Group Scribbles |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2011-10-05 14:36:22 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 學童階段推動閱讀教育非常重要,過去不乏對於閱讀動機與閱讀興趣之調查研究,但對於新興之數位閱讀實證性研究瞭解有限,有鑑於數位媒體將逐漸成為閱讀的新趨勢,本研究旨在探討GS-based 合作學習活動運用在國小閱讀教學的可行性,將學生的閱讀合作學習及教師的教學策略串連,研究採用準實驗研究法,以金門縣二所國小四年級各一班的學生,分成實驗組與控制組,實驗組進行「運用GS軟體結合電子繪本的合作學習教學活動」,而控制組進行「電腦教室環境不分組的大班電子繪本教學活動」,經過實驗處理後,接受「自編閱讀理解測驗」,以比較學生在閱讀理解成效的差異性,輔之以問卷調查實驗組學生對課程活動的態度看法,並以研究者觀察、錄影及訪談作為質性資料討論,最後,根據研究結果提出具體建議,以提供未來研究與教師在運用電腦輔助合作學習融入閱讀教學時之參考。 研究發現如下: 一、GS-based電腦輔助合作學習活動的閱讀教學模式,學生在閱讀理解成效方面,優於不分組大班學生獨立學習的電子繪本閱讀教學模式。 二、GS-based電腦輔助合作學習活動的閱讀教學,有利於幫助學生在推論分析及詮釋整合層次的閱讀理解,尤其是詮釋整合的理解歷程上,閱讀理解成效最為顯著。 三、無論是高成就組、中成就組或低成就組,實驗組不同成就組別之學生的閱讀理解成效皆優於控制組,尤以中成就組之學生,閱讀理解成效最為顯著。 四、透過GS-based合作學習活動,有助於小組集思廣益。積極參與型的小組運作,小組後測平均成績比主領導強勢型、無領導零碎型的小組運作方式成績高。 五、學生對GS結合電子繪本合作學習活動的新穎學習模式,持正向肯定的態度,同時認為可提高閱讀的興趣。 The purpose of research is to discuss the practicability of applying GS- based collaborative learning project to reading instruction of primary school, which is to connect the reading collaborative learning with teachers’ teaching strategy. The research uses Quasi-experimental method by separating classes of students from two primary schools in Kinmen County as an experimental group and a control group. Experimental group implements the collaborative learning project by applying GS software to connect with electronic books and control group practices the ungrouped electronic books learning project in the computer classroom. After experimenting, to know the students’ reading comprehensive effectiveness, the students accepted the self-prepared comprehension tests and to use questionnaire survey to know how the students of experimental group think about the learning project. Moreover, serving as the researchers to observe, make the video record and interview as the qualitative for discussions ; finally, to address specific suggestions according to research result so as to provide the reference for future researches and teachers when they collaboratively apply computer to reading instruction. The research findings are as followings: (1)The reading instruction of applying GS based computer to collaborative learning project, the students’ reading comprehensive effectiveness is better than students who independently learn with the electronic books reading ins- truction in the big ungrouped class. (2)The reading instruction of applying GS-based computer to collaborative learning project is helpful for students’ reading comprehension on the parts of inferential analysis and interpretation of integrating levels; especially in the interpretation of integrating comprehensive process, the reading comprehend- sion is the most significant. (3)No matter for high achievement group, middle achievement group or low achievement group, the different experimental groups of students’ reading comprehension are better than control groups; especially the middle achieve- ment groups. Their reading comprehensive effectiveness is the best. (4)GS-based collaborative learning project is helpful for group thinking. The operation of group is positive and active. Their test results are better than con- trol group and non-leader fragmented group. (5)The students are positive about GS connecting electronic books with collaborative learning project and they also think which can enhance their inte- rest to reading. |
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Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0098913022 |
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