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Title: | 導入雲端運算概念於資料採礦之分類系統 Implement the concept of the cloud computing into the classification system of data mining |
Authors: | 林盈方 Lin, Ying Fang |
Contributors: | 鄭宇庭 蔡紋琦 謝邦昌 林盈方 Lin, Ying Fang |
Keywords: | 雲端運算 資料採礦 分類模型 cloud computing data mining classification models |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2011-10-05 14:31:57 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近幾年來資料採礦及雲端運算的興起,導致許多公司企業紛紛推出有關雲端運算的服務,或利用資料採礦的技術以助於了解客戶行為。而資料採礦的技術不僅是企業所獨享的一個工具,一般非企業的使用者也常常會面臨到決策問題,為了讓一般使用者能夠方便取得軟體工具以及節省時間成本,本研究以雲端運算為概念,利用RExcel軟體和Excel VBA程式語言為研究工具,發展出一個資料採礦分類雲端運算系統。
關鍵字:雲端運算、資料採礦、分類模型 In resent years, the rise of data mining and cloud computing has led many enterprises have been offering services related to cloud computing, or using data mining techniques to understand customer behaviors. Data mining is a tool not only for enterprises, but also for general non-business users who often face making decisions. In order to enable general users to easily assess the software and save time and costs, this study proposes a classification system of data mining constructed by RExcel and Excel VBA, which is based on cloud computing.
In this study, the target variable is divided into three types: digital continuous, digital categorical and literal categorical. The classification system is in accordance with the different types of target variables, taking different classification models to analyze user’s data. Taking three data as examples, respectively, uploading them to the system, then the analysis results will be present to the user in the way of page preview. The user can use MAPE values to evaluate classification models with regard to the results of the data for the continuous target variable, and use correct rate to evaluate classification models with regard to the results of the data for the categorical target variable.
Users can take simple steps to operate the system, select the best model which can explain the data, and obtain the characteristics of the data from the result reports, further to the necessary decision-making.
Keyword: cloud computing, data mining, classification models |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 統計研究所 98354007 99 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0098354007 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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