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Title: | 金融商品採用公平價值會計準則對財務報表可靠性之影響 Impact to the reliability of financial statements by adopting fair value accounting standards over financial instruments |
Authors: | 唐心怡 Tang, Hsin Yi |
Contributors: | 郭弘卿 Kuo, Horng Ching 唐心怡 Tang, Hsin Yi |
Keywords: | 金融商品 公平價值 可靠性 穩健原則 financial instruments fair value reliability conservatism |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2011-10-05 14:30:27 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 財務報表公平價值之表達,因為能即時反應企業最新的財務績效,以致擁有較佳決策攸關性,近年來為世界各國會計準則制定之趨勢。然而,2008年全球經歷金融海嘯後,公平價值會計合適與否的議題浮上檯面:增加財報攸關性的同時,公平價值會計是否卻降低了財務資訊之可靠性? 本研究採用Khan and Watts(2009)發展出之C_Score作為衡量財報可靠程度的值,以此檢視台灣上市櫃公司實施金融商品公平價值會計準則後,對財報可靠性之影響。實證結果發現,準則的採用有助提升整體產業財報可靠性;然而於景氣繁榮時,反倒使財報可靠性較為減低。另外,準則實施後,金融相關產業每年財報可靠值之變化方向與其他產業一致,然而幅度顯著較大;以此也了解到,金融海嘯期間,美國金融業之所以積極提出應廢止或暫停公平價值會計準則,有其原因。 最後,以市價淨值比再度驗證C_Score之有效性,得出相同結果;亦觀察到我國近年來整體公司的財報,有愈加可靠之趨勢。 Recently, since fair value accounting used in financial statements provides better representation over the operating result of enterprises, as well as leads to better decision making, it has become the trend for accounting principle setting internationally. However, after encountering the global economic tsunami in 2008, whether using fair value accounting is suitable has become a discussion floating over the counter as: when increasing the relevance in financial statements, will the reliability of financial information decrease at the same time? This study uses C_Score developed by Khan and Watts(2009) to evaluate the effect on the reliability of financial statements over Taiwan companies traded in the exchange and over-the-counter market, after adopting fair value accounting standards of financial instruments. The empirical test shows that after adopting the standards, it helps to increase the reliability of financial statements of overall industries; however, when the market environment is good, it decreases the reliability of financial statements. Then, after adopting the standards, the reliability of financial statements in financial related industries changes in the same direction as other industries, but its value is significantly larger. Considering this fact, it is understandable that during the period of economic tsunami, why financial industry in the United States claims to abolish or pause using fair value accounting aggressively. Finally, by using market-to-book ratio to test the effectiveness of C_Score, the result is same as previous. It is also observed that financial statements of the whole industry have become increasingly reliable in recent years. |
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