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Title: | 數位影像典藏廠商之經營模式研究 A study on business model of digital video archives |
Authors: | 王偉仲 Wang, Wei Chung |
Contributors: | 馮震宇 邱奕嘉 王偉仲 Wang, Wei Chung |
Keywords: | 數位典藏 數位影片 經營模式 頑石創意 格林文化 Digital Archive Digital Video Business Model Bright Ideas Design Grimm Press |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2011-10-05 14:30:09 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 數位影像,尤以數位影片和動畫為目前數位典藏授權模式之主流,惟我國數位典藏計畫執行至今,仍係在「典藏」文物,未達到「推廣」典藏文物之層次。於是,本研究參酌國外教育影音網站之推廣模式,如iTunes U和YouTube EDU等,探討如何利用免費分享的模式,達到有效宣傳影音內容之目的,進而創造出有利的經營模式。 本研究以個案訪談的方式,選擇頑石創意公司和格林文化公司作為探討之對象。研究發現,目前數位影像典藏產業中加值廠商的經營模式,已不再以數位動畫資源作為主要營利來源,改變既有之經營模式才是重點所在,改以數位動畫資源為互補性資源,透過經營模式之改造而使價值網上之參與者的轉變。 研究顯示,頑石創意公司未來之經營模式為舉辦數位文創巡迴展,從原本動畫製造商角色,轉變為文化創意產業發展的整合角色。相對地,格林文化公司則以Telly Bear電子閱讀器做為未來發展的經營模式,惟初期的成功仍會受到後來競爭者模仿、封閉式硬體和軟體等挑戰。 最後的結論與建議,本研究主要針對政府和產業加值廠商方面,自之前的研究論述之中發現的,思考現存的問題。 This research aims to focus on digital video, because it will be the mainstream of the digital archive in the future. With respect to the lack of promotion of digital archives in Taiwan, this research will examine the promotion model from well-known educational video websites, for example iTunes U and YouTube EDU, and research how free-sharing model works and how to achieve the goal of promotion, and further create a profitable business model. This research will take Bright Ideas Design and Grimm Press as case study companies. The survey reveals that the business models for digital video archives in the industry have changed from digital video based to digital video as complementary asset for the business model. By transforming the business model, it can also transform the participants in the value net of the company. According to the above surveys, the new business model for Bright Ideas Design would be hosting a Digital Creative and Cultural Exhibition Tour, which instead of being an animation producer the company could become an integrator of the creative and cultural industry. In the final part of conclusion and suggestion, this research aims at government and the participants in the industry and provides solutions towards existing problems regarding previously found issues and referred cases. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 智慧財產研究所 98361002 99 |
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