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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 企業管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/51185
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    Title: 電子產業達成封閉式供應鏈之關鍵因素—以華碩與Dell電腦公司為例
    Key success factors for the electronic industry to complete closed-loop supply chain- a case study of ASUS tek inc. & Dell inc.
    Authors: 王韻婷
    Contributors: 黃思明博士
    Keywords: 逆物流回收
    Tackback program
    Reverse logistics
    Closed-loop supply chain
    Key successful factors
    Green marketing
    Tackback program
    Date: 2010
    Issue Date: 2011-10-05 14:29:01 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 從1990年代個人電腦普及以來,電子垃圾產生了嚴重的環境問題,其中尤以廢電腦的影響為鉅。2001年美國發動The Computer Take Back Campaign (CTBC)來推動製造商處理其生產的有毒性電腦廢棄物。其後歐洲提出「生產者責任延伸(extended producer responsibility, EPR)」法規,並在2003年歐盟宣布施行「廢電子電器回收指(Directive on Waste Electric and Electronics Equipment, WEEE)」。再加上我國國內亦繼此世界趨勢陸續頒布廢容器、廢汽機車、廢家電產品及廢電腦強制回收再生的法規,也因此舊廢產品的回收逆物流處理能力對我國電子電器及資訊產品廠商就顯得益發重要。
    Since 1990s, the electronic wastes (e-wastes), especially PCs and laptops, have caused serious environmental problems. In 2001, the Computer Take Back Campaign (CTBC) initiated and asked the PC manufacturers to be in charge of toxic e-wastes that they produced in the U.S; in 2003, the European Union declared the Directive on Waste Electric and Electronics Equipment (WEEE); besides, Taiwanese government also put the recycling laws into practice, requiring that the wasted containers, cars and motorcycles, electronic products and PCs should be recycled. Therefore, the capability of managing e-wastes has become more and more crucial for Taiwanese PC manufacturers.
    For those manufacturers who sell out electronic products, it’s difficult to track and recycle their wasted products. Furthermore, there are few researches discussing about how to build up a profitable closed-loop supply chain. Therefore, this study will focus on exploring the key success factors for building up a profitable closed-loop supply chain in the electronic industry.
    In the case study, ASUS Tek Inc. and Dell Inc., both are dedicating great efforts on recycling issues, were chosen to be the case companies. The framework of this study will start from analyzing the drivers of recycling, the recycling strategies, and then generalizing the key successful factors, which are discussed in Chapter 2, for building up a profitable closed-loop supply chains for the case companies. Finally, the study will evaluate the completeness and performance of the case companies.
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