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Title: | 電視台「品牌內部行銷」之研究 The research of internal brand marketing for TV station |
Authors: | 張煒珍 Teoh, Hooi Tian |
Contributors: | 陳清河 Chen, Ching Ho 張煒珍 Teoh, Hooi Tian |
Keywords: | 電視台 品牌 內部行銷 德菲法 TV station branding internal marketing Delphi method |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2011-10-05 14:26:43 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 對電視台來說,擁有讓觀眾易於區分的品牌個性和風格是提高收視率的要素之一。因為,只有突出獨特的風格和打造品牌形象,方能形成影響力。簡而言之,品牌能簡化觀眾選台的決策過程,一旦該台成為觀眾腦海裡的選擇,就能讓他們在不需要花費太多時間與精力的條件下進行收視行為。基本上,品牌的塑造有賴於電視台全體台前幕後的員工,透過每一個環節和時段把品牌訊息和價值傳遞給觀眾,故品牌內部行銷的實施影響了電視台品牌深化和內化的成敗,也是員工能否掌握正確和全面的品牌訊息和理念的先決條件。 本研究旨在探討電視台品牌內部行銷的指標要件,從文獻中發展出八大構面作為評定品牌內部行銷的衡量指標,採用修正式德菲法作為研究方法,結合廣播電視領域、傳播管理與企業管理領域、品牌行銷和公關廣告領域專家學者之豐富意見與專業知識,萃取出適合電視台品牌內部行銷的指標要件,供產學界和後續相關研究作為參考。研究發現,衡量品牌績效作為獎賞依據是電視公司在施行品牌內部行銷時最重要的要件。指標方面,即「訂定出明確、清晰易懂的品牌願景」、「各部門同事間相互共同合作以完成工作」、「鼓勵員工發揮品牌創意和主動性」、「讓員工清楚知道品牌績效衡量項目」、「提供個人獎勵(如財務獎勵、正式場合公開表揚、職務升遷)」和「確保員工真正認可企業品牌的精神與承諾」這六項是品牌內部行銷最重要的項目。 As a TV station, one of the elements to raising the ratings is to shaping the brand personality and style and allows the audience to distinguish the differences. This is because only the unique brand style and image can form the influence. In short, brand can simplify the decision-making process while audience selecting a TV channel. Once the TV station becomes the first choice in their mind, this can let them spend less time and energy searching the channel for deciding which channel they want to watch. Basically, branding depends on the employees no matter what are their positions, front stage or back stage. The brand message and brand value through every segment and time transmitted to the audience. Therefore, the success of TV station internal branding influenced by the implementation of brand internal marketing. This is a prerequisite for employees to hold the brand message properly and completely. This research aimed to explore the requirements of brand internal marketing. After developed eights dimensions for evaluation indexes from the literature review, this research applied with the Modified Delphi Method, collected the opinion from the experts and scholars from the field of radio and television, media management, business management, branding, public relationship and advertising, extract the indicators based on the result analysis and finally provided the findings to the industry and academia as a reference. The results showed that the most important dimensions of brand internal marketing for TV station is measure the brand performance as a reward basis. For the main indicators, “Set a clear and understandable brand vision”, “Colleagues from various departments work together to complete the task”, “Encourage employees to be creative and initiative in branding”, “Let employees know the measurement indicator of brand performance”, “Provide personal incentives (such as financial incentives, public recognition in formal occasions, job promotion)” and “Ensure employees recognize the brand spirit and brand commitment”, six indicators above are the most important indicators in brand internal marketing for TV station. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 廣播電視學研究所 96453020 99 |
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