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    Title: 印象管理與教師組織公民行為關係之研究
    A study on the relationship between impression management and teachers’ organizational citizenship behavio
    Authors: 李明威
    Contributors: 吳政達
    Keywords: 印象管理
    Impression management
    Organizational Citizenship Behavior
    Date: 2010
    Issue Date: 2011-09-29 18:57:48 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討教師印象管理與組織公民行為之關係,究採用問卷調查法,以臺北市69所高中職學校高中職為研究範圍,採分層隨機抽樣,抽出540位受試者,回收有效問卷429份,所得資料分別以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析及迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料的分析與處理,以瞭解高中職教師印象管理與組織公民行為之現況、差異情形及其預測力。研究結論如下:
    一、 臺北市高中職教師印象管理現況略低於平均值,以「奉承」最高。
    二、 高中職教師組織公民行為之表現屬中等程度,以「對學生之公民行為」表現最佳。
    三、 性別、年齡、職務等三個背景變項在印象管理、組織公民行為上有顯著差異,男性、51歲以上、兼任主任職務之教師較高。
    四、 服務總年資及本校服務年資等二個背景變項在組織承諾與組織公民行為上有顯著差異,以服務11年以上之教師比10年以下的教師對學校產生了更高的認同感,表現相對較佳的公民行為。
    五、 學歷背景變項在印象管理、組織公民行為上無顯著差異;服務總年資、本校服務年資、公私立學校背景變項在印象管理無顯著差異
    六、 印象管理對組織公民行為具顯著正相關及預測力
    A Study on Relationship between Impression Management and Organizational Citizenship Behavior

    The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between impression management(IM) and Organizational citizenship behavior(OCB).
    A survey research was conducted using a sample of high school and vocational school teachers in Taipei city in Northern Taiwan. 540 teachers from 69 schools were selected by stratified random sampling. 429 valid sample data collected was analyzed and processed with the methods of descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, multiple-regression analysis. The major findings of this study are as follows:
    1. The teachers’ impression management in Taipei is less than average, “ingratiation” ranks the top.
    2. Teacher’s OCB is above average, “OCBIS” ranks the top.
    3. Three demographic variables, including gender, age, position, show significant differences in both IM and OCB. Teachers who are male, older than 51, work as the chief of department, show higher performance of IM and OCB.
    4. Two demographic variables, total serving years and serving years in this school, show significant differences in IM, OCB. Teachers with more than 11 serving years show much sense of identification and better performance of OCB.
    5. The variables, education, shows no significant differences in IM, OCB. Total serving years, serving years in this school, and school category show no significant differences in IM, either.
    6. IM is positively related to OCB.

    Based on the results of the research, suggestions for educational administration authorities, principals and future related study are proposed.
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