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    Title: 連鎖式美語教育機構經營之成功關鍵因素探索-佳音與吉的堡之比較
    “Successful attributes for English chain educational institutions - Joy and Kid Castle in comparison”
    Authors: 蔡昕璁
    Cai, Xin Cong
    Contributors: 陳小紅

    Chen, Hsiao Hung Nancy
    Zhang, Jiunn Yih
    Chiang, Lan Hung Nora

    Cai, Xin Cong
    Keywords: 連鎖
    English Educational Institutions
    Kid Castle
    Date: 2010
    Issue Date: 2011-09-29 18:57:08 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 教育部目前已要求所有國小自三年級全面實施英語教學,但有些學校特別是位於市區的學校卻自學生一年級起就開始實施英語教學。然而,即使有許多的學生從小學一年級就已經開始在學校裡學英語,家長卻認為學生在學校裡所學的並不足夠。因此,有許多學生在放學之後,仍然必需到私人的語言學習機構也就是所謂的補習班去學習英語。這些讓孩子到補習班去上英語課的家長,都希望他們的孩子在上國中之前能夠達到一定的英語程度。雖然目前已經有許多研究探討兒童的英語學習,但是針對補習班經營之成功關鍵因素探索所做的研究卻是極為有限。


    The Ministry of Education has required all elementary schools in Taiwan to offer English lessons beginning from their third grade, and there are schools, especially those in urban areas, teaching English from first grade. Even though many young students are taking English lessons in the first grade, their parents still think what they are learning in school is not enough. They will need to study English after school in a private language institute, known as “English Bushiban” or “English chain educational institutions.” These parents hope that their children could attain a certain level of English proficiency before entering into junior high school. Although a large number of research studies regarding children’s English learning are available, very few of them have explored successful attributes for English chain educational institutions.
    The purpose of the study will be to explore the successful attributes of two different English chain educational institutions. They are Joy and Kid Castle. The questionnaires targeted at administrators, English teachers, and students of English chain educational institutions. Data collection began in January 2008 and ended in August 2008. The instruments used in this study were different versions of questionnaires designed for the three groups of participants and interviewed with some administrators of the two English chain educational institutions.
    The findings of the current studies indicated that the students, teachers, and administrators of English chain educational institutions seemed to have a positive attitude toward learning English in English chain educational institutions. In terms of advantages of English learning, English chain educational institutions offered students small classes, had a longer period of time for students to study English in contrast to ordinary school, grouped students into classes based on their proficiency levels, hired foreign English teachers, provided better learning equipment, and used effective learning materials for students. Moreover, most of the students reported that learning English in English chain educational institutions have helped students to improve their four language skills−listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Based on those advantages, English chain educational institutions had taught English to young students, the study will unfold the successful attributes to understand how to operate successful businesses for English chain educational institutions globally.
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Online Sources
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    2. 吉的堡教育機構,http://www.kidcastle.com
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0949250191
    Data Type: thesis
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