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Title: | Shi-Shi國中八年級學生英文學習障礙分析 The evaluation of the eighth graders` english learning difficulty in Shi-Shi Junior High School |
Authors: | 莊信賢 |
Contributors: | 劉小蘭 莊信賢 |
Keywords: | 英文學習困難 English learning difficulty |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2011-09-29 18:57:05 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | This study was conducted to investigate the eighth graders’ English learning difficulty in the Shi-Shi Junior High School. Based on the previous researchers’ similar points of view, it is concluded that students’ learning difficulty is associated with three dimensions, including the school factors, personal factors, and family factors. The three dimensions were related to students’ English learning difficulty.
The research methods incorporated qualitative such as in-depth interviewing and quantitative methods such as descriptive statistics and T-test. 120 students participated in the survey, and ten students and three teachers took part in the in-depth interviewing. According to the result, such factors as the teachers’ teaching and explaining ways and their shortage of interest in English have led to students’ English learning difficulty. Female students are bombarded with more English learning difficulty associated with emotional problems such as their bias toward their English teachers and parents’ expectation. Students retrogressing in the junior high school encounter more English learning difficulty, including the gap between their English learning in the elementary school and that in the junior high school and their parents’ expectation. Too many exams, the usage of the present English textbook, the learning gap, students’ shortage of interest in English learning, their previous learning experience of failure, and their learning pressure contributed to the English learning difficulty of students with lower achievement.
Suggestions are offered based on the research consequence. |
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