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Title: | 大陸西部大開發政策對西部地區經濟成長之影響 The impact of Mainland China’s western development policy on economic growth in the western region |
Authors: | 鄭美珍 Cheng, Mei Chen |
Contributors: | 黃智聰 Huang, Jr Tsung 鄭美珍 Cheng, Mei Chen |
Keywords: | 西部大開發 經濟成長 固定效果模型 Western Region Development Economic Growth Fixed Effect Model |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2011-09-29 18:33:48 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 自1978年鄧小平南巡,中國大陸在經濟上採取改革開放政策以後,開始一連串的經濟制度改革,由中央集權的計劃經濟逐漸走向市場經濟。使得中國大陸有充裕資金、技術長足進步、經濟快速成長、人民生活水準提高、生產總值和人均所得皆大幅提升。但就總體整個大陸因區域經濟結構與政策等因素影響,東部沿海地區發展快速,西部地區發展停滯落後,內部各區經濟發展仍存在極大差異。因此,自江澤民在1999年6月9日「中央扶貧開發會議」上首次提出了「西部大開發」戰略概念,中國大陸就陸續提出多項區域發展政策,期能撫平區域發展不均衡的差距。而西部大開發政策實施迄今將屆10年,經濟建設與發展成果豐碩,並將進入第2階段,西部大開發政策的實施方針是否真正提升西部地區經濟發展?且解決東西部區域經濟差距問題?此外,在2008年國際金融危機開始蔓延,外部市場需求萎縮情況下,西部地區生產總值同比增幅超越東部地區,但隨著中國大陸整體經濟成長,東、西部地區、城鄉差距仍然懸殊,西部地區要脫離落後狀態應該發展的方向究竟為何?
根據實證結果顯示,影響西部地區經濟成長的決定性因素有七:就業、工資率、固定資產投資、利用外資投資總額、能源消費量、西部大開發的優惠政策及金融危機。其他的變數如貿易開放程度及時間趨勢等,皆未有顯著影響。 Since Xiaoping Deng’s Southern tour in 1978, China has adopted economic reforms and open policy, there are series of economic reforms, changed from the central planning economy to the market economy gradually, which resulted in capital abundance, advance in technology, rapid growth of economy, living standard enhanced, both GDP and per capita income has increased significantly in mainland China. But overall due to the regional economic structure, the policy and some other factors, the rapid development of the Eastern coast and the lagging behind of the West, has created significant differenence in the economic development of each region. Therefore, since Zemin Jiang launched the "The West Development" strategy in the "Central Poverty Alleviation and Development Conference" on June 9, 1999, Mainland Chain has a number of regional development policies, to solve the unbalanced gap of regional development . The implementation of Western Dvelopment Policy has been over 10 years, there are fruitful result on economic construction and development, it is going to enter Phase 2. Has the approaches of Western development policy really enhanced the economic development in the West ? Has it solved the economic gap between the East and the West ? In addition, under the condition of the spreading of international economic crisis in 2008 and the shrinkage of external demand, the West`s GDP growth is lower than the East. But following the economic growth of China overall, the gap between The East and the West, the City and the Country is still huge. What will be the development direction of the West to escape from the lagging ?
Therefore, the purpose of this research will base on the relevant tracking data of 1997-2009 economic growth in the the West and the estimate of fixed-effect model, to analyze what are the the economic growth trends and decisive factors of the West ? And use the estimate results to check whether "The West development policy” is right for the development ? Has it actually enhanced the economic growth of the West ?
According to experience, there are seven decisive factors to influence the economic growth of the West: Employment, Wage rate, Fix Asset Investment, Amount of Foreign Investment, Energy Consumption, The Beneficial Policies of West Development,and Economic Crisis. Other variables such as trade openness and time trends, also has significant impact. |
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