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    题名: 勞動派遣與台灣勞動市場雙元化發展之分析
    A study on dispatched work and dual labor market in Taiwan
    作者: 陳金治
    Chen, Chin Chih
    贡献者: 朱美麗
    Chu, Mei Lie
    Chen, Chin Chih
    关键词: 勞動派遣
    Dispatched Work
    Dual Labor Market
    High-Tech Industries
    日期: 2009
    上传时间: 2011-09-29 18:33:27 (UTC+8)
    摘要:   本研究在瞭解勞動派遣之定義、特徵、型態與相關概念,並進行國內外研究之回顧,找出勞動派遣制度對於勞動市場正面與負面之影響後,再分別就資方觀點、勞方觀點、社會觀點與採用業別之差異進行探討,而決定訪談之公司業別,並擬定訪談題目進行深度訪談,以評估勞動派遣制度對台灣勞動市場雙元化發展之影響。
      This study aims to explore the definition, features, patterns and relevant concepts regarding dispatched work and review research conducted in Taiwan and overseas on this subject. After identifying the impact of the dispatched work system on the labor market, the differences between different industries employing dispatched labor are investigated to decide companies belonging to which industries are to be interviewed. An in-depth interview is then conducted on the companies selected to evaluate the impact the dispatched work system has on the development of a dual labor market in Taiwan.
      The interviews reveal that, high-tech industries adopting the system in order to reduce labor costs do encourage the development of a dual labor market. Results of the interviews indicate that sizable high-tech industries employing dispatched labor limit the extent to which it is employed in an effort to reduce the impact dual labor market development has on the companies’ labor structures. In addition, dispatched workers are offered starting wages, wage increases and benefits similar to those offered to regular employees, as well as the opportunity to become regular employees. Through doing so, the differences between dispatched workers and regular employees in a dual labor market may be effectively narrowed, overall, dispatched workers are less compensated and demonstrate a higher turnover. Moreover, they are less protected by labor laws and regulations. These phenomena still exist in the secondary market of a dual labor market.
      Generally speaking, the dispatched work system provides more employment opportunities on the labor market. It also provides dispatched workers the opportunity to accumulate work experience and serves as a steppingstone to regular employment in large businesses. For this reason, the system plays a positive role in the development process of a dual labor market.
      The study recommends dispatch workers to choose businesses that pay more attention to their image and that businesses provide these workers with improved employment protection. It also hopes that the government can enact relevant laws and regulations and introduce supporting measures as soon as possible. Furthermore, the roles businesses, dispatched workers and the agencies that dispatch them play must be clearly defined and the ratios of dispatched workers to regular employees in different industries established, with education in having a better understanding of the workplace provided to dispatched labor in an attempt to reduce the negative impact dispatched work has on Taiwan’s dual labor market and the development of its labor market.
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096921024
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