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Title: | 政府政策行銷活動評估之研究-以台灣燈會為例 Research in the evaluation of marketing events under government policy: the case study of Taiwan Lantern Festival |
Authors: | 王紹旬 Wang, Shao Hsun |
Contributors: | 陳敦源 Chen, Don Yun 王紹旬 Wang, Shao Hsun |
Keywords: | 政策行銷 政策評估 行銷活動 policy martketing policy evaluation marketing events |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2011-09-29 18:30:08 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究主要係以公部門為推廣觀光相關政策時所運用的政策行銷活動來達成所欲的政策目的時,公部門內部基於民主政治的治理責任環境下,所應具備的概念民主回應性,專業責任,及課責性等進行探討分析。由於目前台灣由公部門主辦的觀光行銷活動,多如牛毛,如何說明辦理該項活動的正當性,並與告知民眾該活動的成果效益等,應視為同等重要的課題。也因此相關的政策行銷工具在運用時,公部門除了重視其執行過程與活動成果外,如何運用評估的成果,向民眾報告說明該項活動辦理的合理性與正當性,因應民主治理過程中,外界對公部門的監督與符合回應的期待。
3.整體政策評估仍宜由中央單位以長時序效益進行整合評估 The main objective of this research is to explore and analyze the various responses required from government agencies (e.g., democratic responsiveness, professional responsibilities and accountabilities, etc.) under a democratic governance environment when they organize marketing events to promote tourism-related policies. Considering the large amount of government-hosted tourism events at the present stage, an equally important task is to properly explain to the general public the legitimacy and effectiveness of such promotional events. When applying the relevant policy-promoting instruments, therefore, government agencies should not only pay attention to the process and achievements of the event, but also explain to the general public the rationality and legitimacy of such activities, making good use of the evaluation results. This approach will help to meet the public’s expectations in the process of democratic governance, i.e., monitoring and receiving proper response from government agencies.
In the research process, it is discovered that government agencies have initiated an ongoing series of evaluation tasks for the Taiwan Lantern Festival, which were carried out throughout the pre-event, planning, execution and post-event stages. Through the whole process of job division and project execution, the government agencies have already established relevant internal control models to ensure the successful completion of the projects, thereby satisfying public expectations and fulfilling their professional responsibilities. Furthermore, in the process of integrating resources from different public and private networks, the government agencies have also built up good interaction among one another. With their collaborative efforts, they have successfully organized the yearly event of the Taiwan Lantern Festival, representing the unique culture of the respective cities/counties. Their efforts have enriched the contents of the annual lantern festivals, and endowed them with additional charm and unique vitality.
The tourist growth created by the Taiwan Lantern Festival should have fulfilled the policy goals of developing the tourist business. While many people believe that the city/county governments are now fully competent to organize their own lantern festival activities, there is still a consistent theme and spirit for this event. Rather than a single and independent marketing activity, it is in fact considered an important policy that guides Taiwan’s festival tourist market. The author therefore holds the view that the continuity of this event will contribute to the improvement of international popularity of and marketing expertise for other cities. The author also has the following suggestions regarding policy evaluation in future:
-Policy goals should be established based on the local environment and requirements.
-Apart from quantitative indicators, qualitative indicators should also be established in the process of effectiveness evaluation, so as to take into account the diversified value of the events.
-As for integrated policy evaluation, it is recommended that evaluation should be conducted by the central government on a consolidated basis, taking into account long-term effectiveness. "第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景及動機 1
第二節 研究問題和研究目的 3
第三節 研究方法 4
第四節 研究範圍及流程 5
第五節 小結 9
第貳章 理論與文獻探討 10
第一節 政策評估理論 10
第二節 政策行銷的評估理論 19
第三節 節慶活動的評估理論 27
第四節 研究個案分析 32
第五節 小結 40
第參章 研究設計 44
第一節 本研究架構 44
第二節 訪談題綱及訪談對象 46
第三節 訪談資料處理與研究倫理 50
第四節 小結 51
第肆章 研究分析 53
第一節 台灣燈會效益評估報告之分析 53
第二節 台灣燈會行銷活動進行評估之分析 63
第三節 小結 95
第五章 結論與建議 97
第一節 研究結論 97
第二節 研究建議 104
第三節 研究限制 105
參考文獻 107 |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 公共行政研究所 94256005 99 |
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