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Title: | 信託商品於退休理財規劃實務之探討 A Study on the practice of Trust products for retiring financial plan |
Authors: | 鄭美玲 Jeng, Meei Ling |
Contributors: | 王儷玲 鄭美玲 Jeng, Meei Ling |
Keywords: | 退休金信託 所得替代率 退休需求與不足度 Pension Trust Income Replacement Rate Retirement Needs and Insufficiency |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2011-09-29 16:54:50 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 依據國際研究機構之預測,人口老化與少子化是本(21)世紀人類最重大的挑戰,我國在近年生育率下滑的情況下,社會人口老化問題尤其嚴重。本研究基於關切現行社會保險制度與退休金準備,能否支應個人在未來老年時期之醫護照顧與經濟負擔等議題,先敘述國人將面臨日趨嚴重之長壽風險,再引述美國、香港運用兼具財產隔離與專業服務基本功能的信託制度經營管理退休金市場的成功模式,導論政府與企業建立退休金管理制度、個人及早儲備退休金之重要性,希冀喚起國人對儲備個人退休金帳戶準備之重視。
三、主管機關可就退休金稅賦優惠措施、勞保、新舊制勞退三大退休基金經營管理方式適度調整及勞退新制開放勞工自選投資標的等。 It has been foreseen by international research institutions that both problems, the aging of population and the trend towards fewer children, are the most significant challenges which the mankind is facing in the 21st century. In Taiwan, the trend of decreasing birth rate, as shown in recent years, indicates that the aging of population is particularly severe in Taiwan. Based on concerns about whether the present social insurance system and the pension provision are sufficient to meet personal retiring needs such as health care and living expenditure and so on, the research begins with the narration of the rising longevity risk faced by people in Taiwan, then illustrating the successful mode set up by the US and Hong Kong that utilizes the trust system incorporating both the property isolation and the basic professional services to operate and manage the pension market, and eventually concludes that it is of significance for both the government and the enterprise to establish the pension management system as well as for the individual to prepare for the retiring funds as early as possible, looking forward to drawing high attention to the importance of provision for personal pension account.
This research is constructed in six parts, Part I: Introduction; Part II: Basic Theory and Literature Review, covering trust system, pension trust plan and funds utilization, foreign retirement system review and so on; Part III: Application of Retirement Products in Taiwan’s Trust System; Part IV: Analysis of Taiwan’s Labor Group’s Retiring Demand and Insufficiency of Funds; Part V: Case Study on Practical Operation for Retirement Products in Taiwan’s Trust System; Part VI: Conclusion and Suggestion. By means of elaborating trust system`s characteristic and function and the basic theories on both utilization of pension in the accumulation period and funds planning in the disbursement period, and further introducing the advanced countries’ sound experience in integrating the trust system with the pension schemes, the research, by three case studies, analyzes Taiwan’s labor group’s retiring demand and insufficiency of funds and presents some suggestions relative to improvement on the latent financial gap.
The case study for retiring demand and insufficiency of funds is subject to two factors. One is that the computing module is based on the pension system being run currently, a fixed inflation rate and excluding any potential factors in changing the society and economy, such as the updated social insurance policy by the government. The other is that the Return on Investment (ROI) is computed by using past data and only one simple ROI is applied, not in line with the actual situation that the assets in investment portfolio have individual risk coefficient and varied ROI.
In addition to the conclusions, the research presents the following suggestions:
1.Given the present situation in Taiwan that both the social insurance system and enterprise’s pension schemes are unable to meet personal retiring needs, the individual is supposed to prepare for the funds as early as possible.
2.To take care of the staff and preserve the talent, the employer can set up extra program of retirement and welfare for the employee.
3.The regulator can take preferential measures to lessen the tax burden on pension, modestly adjust the operation and management of three material pension funds comprising Labor Insurance, Old and New Labor Pension Funds as well as offer the option for the laborer to invest the self-choosing target pursuit the New Labor Pension Fund and so on. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 95932207 99 第一章 緒論 .................................1
第一節 研究動機與目的 ........................1
第二節 研究方法與範圍 ........................9
第三節 研究架構與流程 .......................10
第二章 基礎理論與文獻探討 ....................11
第一節 信託制度與退休金信託...................11
第二節 國外退休金信託制度之探討................26
第三節 退休金規劃與投資管理風險................36
第三章 我國信託制度退休商品之運用 .............52
第一節 台灣信託制度退休商品現況................52
第二節 信託制度退休商品種類....................54
第三節 信託商品對個人退休規劃應用之探討.........64
第四章 台灣勞工退休需求與不足度分析 ............71
第一節 台灣勞工退休三支柱現況 .................71
第二節 勞工族群退休需求與不足度分析 ............84
第五章 個案討論...............................95
個案討論一:A公司員工持股信託 ..................95
個案討論二:B學校之員工儲蓄信託 ................112
個案討論三:C銀行之員工儲蓄信託(退休計畫) ......123
第六章 結論與建議 ............................134
第一節 結論 .................................134
第二節 研究建議 ..............................137
參考文獻 ....................................139 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095932207 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文
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