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Title: | 筆記型電腦機構零件創新過程之競合分析 Co-opetition analysis on the innovation process of notebook computer mechanical parts |
Authors: | 劉展名 |
Contributors: | 溫偉任 劉展名 |
Keywords: | 鉗鍊經濟 貼膜鋁板 價值鏈 競合 Clamping Economics laminated aluminum value chain co-opetition |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2011-09-29 16:54:42 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 3C產業的特性就是因應消費者流行趨勢,以極度的產業分工與整合,進行快速的技術與工法創新,以及少量多樣的生產方式。在長期間能夠獲致高績效的競爭優勢,企業必須學會如何破壞現狀、創造暫時的優勢、掌握先機與維持動能。運用規模經濟、經驗曲線及範疇經濟的策略邏輯,以及成本至上、差異化及集中化的總體性策略建立競爭優勢,形成超優勢競爭的態勢。
貼膜鋁板之供應鍊為原材料供應商(鋁板供應商、皮膜供應商與黏膠供應商),以及5階供應商(貼膜廠、整合者、沖壓廠、組裝廠與品牌商)。利用價值鏈來解析貼膜鋁板的創新供應鍊中,各階供應商的競合態勢,個別分析其顧客、供應商、競爭者與互補者;同時也著手分析各階供應商的專屬陷入與因應對策。貼膜鋁板提供者經由第三者(代理商)進行交易,消除使用者的專屬陷入疑慮;中上游的供應商於開發過程創造相互陷入,增強信任度及優勢競爭。 The characteristic of 3C industry is based on consumer`s fashion trend with the extreme industry work division and integration, to fast innovate on technology and method, and to produce with a small amount and various mode. In order to obtain high performance long-term competition advantage, enterprises must learn how to destroy the current situation, to create the temporary advantage, to master the first chance and to maintain the kinetic energy. To create the advantage competition by using the strategic logic of economies of scale; experience curve and economies of scope, and the generic strategy of overall cost leadership, differentiation and focus, can form the Hypercompetition situation.
"Clamping Economics" is initialized by the association of upper stream and downstream manufacturers, cooperated with the middle supplier to form the golden channel, and developing the breakthrough innovative technology. To use the value division and innovative reorganization of each branch supply chain can create the innovative supply chain ecology, in order to reach the competitive advantage of difference extension, fast development, raising profits, set up the holdup asset specificity.
The Laminated Aluminum sheets (called LA below)on the notebook computers are produced by lamination – stamping process based on laminated steel on the home electrical device with the improved glue for the peeling issue. Due to patterning and colorful film design can give the various colorfully and patterning appearance, the target markets of LA are the appearances of colorful totem, thin and light, noble feel (metal). The competitive technologies of LA are the magnesium alloy die casting product and the insert molding decoration, and the LA pricing will follow the penetration pricing strategy.
The supply chain of LA in including the raw materials supplier (aluminum sheet supplier, film supplier and glue supplier) and 5 levels of suppliers (lamination factory, co-operator, stamping factory, assembly factory and Brand Company). Using the value chain to analyze the co-opetition between the suppliers in the LA innovative supply chain, can identify the customer, supplier, competitor and the complementary role individually, and gives the solutions to each suppliers’ holdup asset specificity. LA provider eliminated the concerns of holdup asset specificity from users by trading the other person (agent). The upper and middle suppliers create two-way holdup to strength the trust and competitive advantage. "致謝 …………………………….………………………..……………….. I
摘要 …………………………….…………………..…………………….. II
Abstract ……………………………………..…………………………... III
目錄 ……………………………………………..……..………………... V
表目錄 …………………………………………………..………...…… VII
圖目錄 ……………………………………..……..……….……...…… VIII
第一章 緒論 ………………………………………………….…….……... 1
第一節 研究背景 ……………………………………..….……... 1
第二節 研究動機與目的 ………………………………..…….... 2
第二章 文獻回顧 ………………………………………………………... 3
第一節 競爭優勢 …………………………………………………... 3
一、靜態競爭 …………………………………………………... 4
二、動態競爭 …………………………………………………... 4
第二節 鉗鍊經濟 …………………………………………………... 6
一、擴大差異化 ………………………………………………... 8
二、快速開發 …………………………………………………... 9
三、提高利潤 ……………………………………………..…... 11
四、專屬陷入 ………………………………………..………... 13
第三章 貼膜鋁板個案介紹與分析 …………………………………..... 15
第一節 個案簡介 – C公司材料實驗室 ……………….........…... 15
第二節 主要技術 ……………………………………..…………... 15
一、產品特色 …………………………………………..……... 15
二、結構說明 ………………………………………………..... 16
三、使用限制 ……………………………………………..…... 17
第三節 競爭技術 ………………………………………………..... 21
第四節 市場區隔、目標與定位 …………………………………... 24
第五節 競爭對手 …………………………………………..…….. 28
第四章 貼膜鋁板個案之專屬陷入分析 ………..……..…………..…... 30
第一節 貼膜鋁板使用者之專屬陷入 ……………………………. 30
一、品牌商之專屬陷入 ………………………….………... 31
二、組裝廠之專屬陷入 …………………………….……... 33
三、沖壓廠之專屬陷入 …………………………….……... 35
第二節 貼膜鋁板提供者之專屬陷入 ………………………..…... 37
第三節 貼膜鋁板整合者之專屬陷入 …………………………..... 39
第四節 貼膜鋁板整合者對整體供應鍊之影響 ……………..…... 43
第五章 結論與建議 ………………………………………………..…... 48
第一節 研究結論 ………………………………………..……… 48
第二節 研究建議與未來研究方向 ……………..………………... 49
參考文獻 ………………………………………..……………..………... 50 |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 93932123 99 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093932123 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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