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Title: | 台灣金融資訊服務業營運與國際行銷策略之研究─以國內某大金融資訊公司之個案研究為例 A study on Taiwan financial information service industry’s operational and international marketing strategy: a case analysis of a leading Taiwanese financial information |
Authors: | 臧世蓉 Tzang, Shih Jung |
Contributors: | 楊建民 Yang, Jiann Min 臧世蓉 Tzang, Shih Jung |
Keywords: | 資訊服務業 國際行銷 價值網 Information Service Industry International Marketing Value Net |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2011-09-29 16:49:08 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 資訊服務產業在全球發展十分蓬勃,如:微軟(Mircosoft)、甲骨文(Oracle)和趨勢科技(Trend Mirco)。雖然台灣學界與實務界投入許多資源在資訊和管理方面,但是仍無法像硬體產業蓬勃發展,加上資訊產業各領域已經有許多優秀公司已經鞏固目前市場,且不斷茁壯自己。在日益競爭的環境下,台灣如何在全球化競爭下發揮自身優勢,發展茁壯。因此筆者基於此動機,選定金融資訊服務業當作深入探討與研究主題。
本研究透過個案分析法對國內某大型金融資訊服務業者進行產業環境、自身已累積的資源進行分析。而後透過國際行銷程序架構,探討下列的問題:(1)個案公司國際行銷策略形成原因為何? (2)個案公司如何進行策略聯盟?(3)個案公司進行國際行銷的方式?
總結本研究的分析結果,認為個案公司國際行銷策略的成功關鍵因素有三點:(1)利用合併與併購擴張核心能力。(2) ITOM的整合性平台符合顧客的需求。(3) 透過策略聯盟形成完整的國際行銷體系。最後,本研究依據上述結論,提出金融資訊服務業拓展國際行銷時之相關建議。 The information service industry has seen robust development around the globe, leading to the birth of many successful companies, such as Microsoft, Oracle, and Trend Micro. Despite the input of various resources by Taiwan’s academia and business sector aimed to increase the R&D momentum in information and management-related fields, the industry has failed to gain the same level of strong growth seen in the computer hardware industry. Besides, many of the information industry segments see the presence of many leading companies that have not only secured their market position but are also striving for continued expansion. Therefore, against an ever-increasingly competitive market environment, how does Taiwan maximize its unique strengths in the face of global competition? It is with the motivation to shed some light on this issue that the author selects the financial information service industry as the subject for in-depth analysis and research.
This study uses case analysis to analyze the industry environment and accumulated resource of a leading Taiwanese financial information company. Based on the procedural framework of international marketing, the following research questions are discussed: (1) What is the reason behind the formation of the analyzed company’s international marketing strategy? (2) How does the analyzed company pursue strategic alliance? (3) How does the analyzed company promote international marketing?
Summarizing the results of analysis, the key to the analyzed company successful international marketing strategy is threefold: (1) Expand core competency through mergers and acquisitions. (2) ITOM’s integrated platform responds to customers’ needs. (3) Form a complete international marketing network through strategic alliance. Finally, based on the above research conclusions, this study proposes relevant suggestions for the financial information service industry in expanding international marketing. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 資訊管理研究所 97356018 99 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0097356018 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [資訊管理學系] 學位論文
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