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Title: | 智慧型手機上的電子書使用者接受度研究 Research on user acceptance of electronic books on smartphones |
Authors: | 段柏宇 Duan, Po Yu |
Contributors: | 管郁君 Eugenia, Y. Huang 段柏宇 Duan, Po Yu |
Keywords: | 電子書 智慧型手機 使用者接受度 智慧型手機電子書 電子書閱讀 EBook Smartphones User acceptance EBook readability Mobile phone reading |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2011-09-29 16:49:08 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 書是社會文明的載體,是人類進步的階梯。電腦、網路的飛速發展,使得電子書引發了新一輪的書籍革命。隨著智慧型手機的出現,用手機閱讀電子書以前方便靈活,充分利用零散時間,因此受到年輕人的追捧。但是,電子書本身也存在各樣的問題,諸如不符合人們的閱讀習慣,以及產業鏈的不成熟等。因此,調查使用者的行為模式和對於電子書的喜好,以瞭解使用者對電子書的看法及接受度是本文研究的重點,本研究透過UTAUT模式探討績效期望、付出期望、社會影響、輔助條件等自變數對於使用意圖與使用行為的影響力和預測力。本研究採取問卷調查的方式,在多個網路論壇上發放,共收回問卷352份,其中剔除無效問卷後得到有效樣本計232份,有效的樣本回收率達65.9%。究結果顯示,受試者大多擁有智慧型手機(77%),使用時多以娛樂為目的(55%),僅以工作為目的者最少(4%),大多偶爾閱讀(47%),多數人未曾花錢下載付費電子書(86%)。在電子書使用經驗方面,多數受試者使用電子書不到1年(42%),在使用智慧型手機方面,同樣是使用不到1年時間者居多(60%),而使用智慧型手機閱讀電子書方面,同樣是不足1年最多(68%)。
受試者使用智慧型手機閱讀電子書之績效期望、輔助條件、付出期望等各構面對使用意圖及使用行為的預測達到顯著水準,而社會影響構面與使用經驗干擾變數則影響力未達顯著。 Books are the vehicle for social civilization and the ladder of human progress. Due to the rapid development of computers and the Internet, electronic books (ebooks) have triggered a new round of the book revolution. With the emergence of smartphones, using mobile phones to read ebooks has become convenient, flexible, and a way to make full use of scattered bits of time. Therefore, the use of smartphones for such purposes has been pursued by young people. However, ebooks present various problems of their own, such as incompatibility with individual reading habits and the immaturity of the industrial chain. Thus, the focus of this study was to survey user behavioral models and affinity for ebooks to understand users views on and degree of acceptance of ebooks. This study used the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) to investigate the influence and predictive power of the following independent variables on usage intention and usage behavior: performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions. Research results showed that a majority of respondents had smartphones (77 %). Respondents who used their phones mostly for entertainment purposes composed the largest category (55 %), while those who used their phones only for work purposes formed the smallest category (4 %). A large percentage occasionally read ebooks (47 %), but most respondents had never spent money on downloading payable ebooks (86 %). Regarding experience using ebooks, most respondents had used ebooks for under one year (42 %). Regarding experience using smart phones, the group that had used smart phones for less than one year was also the largest (60 %); a high percentage of users (68 %) had been using smart phones to read ebooks for less than one year. The predictive power of performance expectancy, facilitating conditions and effort expectancy on usage intention and usage behavior with regard to using smartphones to read ebooks achieved a level of significance. As for social influence and moderator experience, the predictive power didn’t reach a level of significance. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 資訊管理研究所 97356005 99 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0097356005 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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