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Title: | 處分時間長短對不良資產處分價格影響之研究-以高雄市為例 The study of Influences of days on market on non-performing loans prices─ case study in Kaohsiung city |
Authors: | 江婷 Chiang, Ting |
Contributors: | 陳奉瑤 Chen, Fong Yao 江婷 Chiang, Ting |
Keywords: | 不良債權 資產管理公司 特徵價格法 處分時間 Non-performing loan asset management company hedonic price method timing |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2010-12-09 16:21:45 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 由於過去數年間金融業者對於授信品質控管的鬆散,產生國內數量及金額龐大的不良債權,資產管理公司也在此時先後成立,不良資產市場亦因而逐漸熱絡,在整體不動產市場占有一席之地。 從過去文獻可得知影響不動產價格之因素數量眾多,但過去較重視實質屬性對於不動產價格之影響,而較忽略非實質因素對於處分價格的影響,其中有關討論時間因素之研究更為稀少;然而由於不良資產同時包含了一般不動產的特徵屬性(如土地、建物面積及區位)與不良資產專有的特徵屬性(如債務人屬性、處分時間),因此進一步研究影響不良資產處分價格之因素便相對重要。 本研究目的主要在於探討影響不良資產處分時間因素對於不良資產處分價格之影響,以供投資人或公司更重視時間因素對於處分不良資產所產生的成本與效益,作為相關單位評估與處分價格之參考。 因此,本文首先探討影響不良資產處分價格之因素種類,並透過特徵價格法建置不良資產特徵價格模型,並進行實證分析,分析探討時間以及相關因素對於不良資產價格的影響關係與程度。 實證結果顯示處分時間、區位、土地面積、建物面積、利率與債務人屬性對於不良資產處分價格有正向的影響力,唯利率因素雖顯著但與假設不符,本研究認為與投資人之行為與心態有關,或因買方之資金成本隨利率提高而增加。 另特別就處分時間因素而言,實證結果顯示當不良資產處分時間越長,價格越高,因此,應合理延長標的物之市場曝光期,以提高資產的處分價格。雖然延長處分時間,相對機會成本亦增加,但投資人或金融機構應在法務流程上更有彈性,以利不良資產的回收。因此藉由本文之研究成果,希冀提供金融機構或資產管理公司處分不良資產時,應謹慎考量處分時間與處分價格間的得失權宜,擬定最適處分策略。 Due to the loosening credit in the past few years, Taiwan’s non-performing loans, both in terms of volume and amount, burgeoned, resulting in rapid growth of establishments of asset management companies. NPLs consequently became one asset class that was highly sought after in the overall real estate market in Taiwan. From past literatures we understand that there are various factors affecting real estate prices. However, most studies focused on the physical attributes of the underlying real estate, rather than non-physical attributes’ effect on real estate prices. Even more rare are studies that focus on the impact of time. Since non-performing loans encompass both performing real estates’ attributes (land and building area, and location) and non-performing real estates’ attributes (characteristics of debtors and days on market), further study on such factors that affect the real estate prices should be warranted. This paper is to probe the effects of days on market on non-performing loans’ prices. This paper should help investors (including asset management companies) understand the importance of time in regards to its effect on the cost and benefits when disposing NPLs. Therefore, this paper first explores the different factors that affect the prices of NPLs by using Hedonic price method to build models to determine the prices, and then uses real examples to analyze the relationship and magnitude of time and other factors’ impact on NPLs’ prices. Empirical data suggests that days on market, location, land area, building area, interest rate, and borrower types all have positive impact on the prices of NPLs. Interest rate, although showed positive relationship, did not fit the hypothesis, which is probably due to investors’ behavior or mindset or increase in cost of funding as interest rate rises. Specifically for days on market, empirical results manifest that the longer the time on market, the higher the resolution price is. Therefore, it is recommended to reasonably lengthen the days on market to achieve higher resolution price. Although the increase in days on market will increase the opportunity cost, investors and financial institutions should be able to enjoy more flexibility in the legal process, thereby resulting in better recovery. Finally, through the research of this paper, financial institutions and AMCs should carefully consider the cost/benefit between time on market and resolution prices to achieve optimal resolution strategy. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 地政研究所 92923029 97 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0092923029 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [地政學系] 學位論文
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