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Title: | 警察機關處理聚眾活動之研究-以中正第一分局為例 How a police institution handles a rally—a case study of Zhongzheng First Police District, Taipei City Police Department |
Authors: | 陳華龍 Cheng, Hwa Long |
Contributors: | 蕭武桐 陳華龍 Cheng, Hwa Long |
Keywords: | 集會遊行 聚眾活動 |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2010-12-09 15:44:58 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 總統馬英九先生於98年5月20日上台,完成二次政黨輪替後,立法院針對「集會遊行法」提出修正,朝野立委亦數度對此展開攻防戰術;總統馬英九先生、行政院及朝野立委亦針對「集會遊行法」各提出自己看法。 本次研究希望達成三項目的:一、協助各目的事業主管 機關處理陳情請願活動;二、瞭解處理非法聚眾活動狀況, 作為警察機關預防聚眾活動之具體作為;三、以中正第一分 局處理聚眾活動進行研究以瞭解處理成效。 本研究以文獻探討法、深度訪談法及參與觀察法從多方角度及觀點加以探討,以中正第一分局處理集會遊行活動案例,從訪談中正第一分局警察幹部、社運團體、民意代表及新聞記者為訪談對象。研究發現:目的事業主管機關不重視集會遊行活動、指揮官修為影響集會成敗、集會遊行活動蒐證人員欠缺蒐證能力、決策欠缺徹底執行力、員警執勤欠缺溝通協調能力、集會遊行修法方向影響政治、經濟、社會甚鉅。在研究建議:各目的事業主管機關應重視集會遊行活動(以誠意、溝通協調解決問題)、提昇指揮官修為(事前預擬腹案、事中狀況處置、事後承擔責任)、蒐證人員加強蒐證作為(蒐證對時、加強夜間蒐證能力、違法蒐證角度錄影等能力)、決策徹底執行(科層體制由上而下貫徹執行)、加強員警溝通協調能力及集會遊行法儘速修訂,有助減輕社會對立等,都需要警察機關及人員再加強改進,以協助目的事業主管機關處理集會遊行(或陳情請願)活動,使集會遊行活動能夠和平落幕。 After President Ma took office on May 20, 2009 for second-time regime change, the Legislative Yuan moved to work on the amendment of The Regulations Governing Rallies, Marches & Demonstrations, for which the legislators from both the governing and opposition parties were taking different strategies to block it or make it passed. All involved, including President Ma, the Executive Yuan and the legislators had their own ideas about how this law should be amended For the sake, the study is undertaken to: 1) help the authorities concerned cope with people’s protests; 2) understand how illegal rallies were dealt with as precautions for future handling of similar activities; 3) see what measures were taken by Zhongzheng First Police District against people’s rallies in the past and how effective they were. For the purpose, the study refers to literatures, employs interviews and applies observations of related activities to obtain required answers through various perspectives. In the case of Zhongzheng First Police District, police officers, social groups, city councilmen and journalists were interviewed to have a clear picture of how rallies were exactly handled. The results show that the authorities concerned played down their responsibilities for policing rallies, the commander’s preparations were key to whether the rallies could be successfully controlled, the monitoring staff lacked the ability to collect evidence of illegal activities, the decision-maker failed to enforce the law thoroughly and the policemen on duty didn’t have to the abilities to communicate with the protestors. In view of the fact that the amendment of the law will produce great political, economic and social impact upon us, the study advises making the following: ask the authorities concerned to respect rallies & marches (hope they can solve problems with communicative skills and good will), reinforce the commander’s preparations (work out contingency plans beforehand, deal with in-progress situations positively and bear responsibilities later on), press monitoring staff to do their job better (monitoring standoff, night activities, violence and illegal activities through different cameras), carry out any decisions made to the purpose completely (enforce orders from up to bottom), and improve policemen’s coordinating skills. Once the law was amended as expected, it will help bring down social and political divisions. But, still, both police institutions and police officers are required to improve their abilities to enforce the law so that when there is a rally or protest going on, it will end peacefully. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 96921022 97 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096921022 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [行政管理碩士學程(MEPA)] 學位論文
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