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    Title: Changing the game: how environmental international non-governmental organisations empower the state by mobilising society in china
    Authors: 林法志
    Contributors: 湯京平
    Tang, Ching Ping
    Keywords: environmental NGOS
    civil society
    environmental governance
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2010-12-09 15:25:05 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: International NGOs have grown in stature and influence in China, and are widely seen as important contributors to the development of a more dynamic Chinese society. This paper contributes to theoretical frameworks regarding how to understand the way in which INGOs are able to influence certain political outcomes in China; arguing that in both the short and long-term, INGOs have worked to mobilise society in active support of environmental protection in different parts of China. The ability to change the social structure has been important in empowering relevant institutions within the state, such as the Ministry of Environmental Protection, to respond to environmental protection issues. A greater role for such ministries represents a change in political structures around environmental protection. In doing so, this paper provides a thorough analysis of China’s society’s response to environmental protection and the political decision making processes at play when environmental issues are involved. Two case studies collected from field work, of International Rivers contribution to the anti-dam movement in the campaign against the Nujiang Dam; and Pacific Environment’s support for a local NGO opposing river pollution in Anhui province, will be utilised to support the argument that INGOs’ mobilisation of society is an important means of ‘empowering’ the state to respond positively to environmental protection issues. Such developments are taken as signs of growing social pluralisation.
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