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    Title: 都市中的保育行動:以富陽公園與巴克禮公園的社區參與為例
    Urban community-based conservation:the case of Fuyang and Barclay parks
    Authors: 李聯康
    Lee, Lien Kang
    Contributors: 湯京平
    Tang, Ching Ping
    Lee, Lien Kang
    Keywords: 合產
    Community-Based Conservation
    Neighborhood magistrates
    Fuyang Eco Park
    Barclay Memorial Park
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2010-12-09 14:05:08 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 「社基保育」(Community-Based Conservation)是強調「由下到上」(bottom-up)的自然資源管理模式。透過在地民眾的參與(participation),不僅減少政府在自然資源管理的支出,形成為社區居民認可的資源管理模式;更重要的,透過居民參與,社基保育連結地方自治(self-governance)與民主(democracy),實踐公共財合產(coproduction)與增效(synergy)的效果。因此社基保育不僅有生態保育的優勢,更有政治與經濟面的討論意義。
    Community-Based Conservation is the model emphasizing “bottom-up” power of managing natural resources. It reduces the government’s cost of resource management, and becomes a widely accepted model by the locals through their participation. Furthermore, it combines Coproduction, Synergy, local Self-Governance, and Democracy Governance through the locals’ direct participation. Therefore, Community-Based Conservation not only has advantage in ecological conservation, but also shows importance in politics and economics.
    Previously, the researches on Community-Based Conservation often take resource management models in rural and indigenous areas as their cases. These models obtain the residents’ identity and stimulate their active participation by their discussion or the influence of traditional culture. But if we transfer the researches’ focus to urban areas, can Community-Based Conservation play the same role? Through the two cases in this thesis: Fuyang Eco Park in Taipei and Barclay Memorial Park in Tainan, it is possible to implement Community-Based Conservation in urban areas. However, compared with rural and indigenous areas, there are more participators in urban areas. It costs more to make them coordinate and communicate with each other well. Consequently, it is very important to inspire the locals to participate in Community-Based Conservation. In these two cases, both Neighborhood magistrates construct the model by mobilizing the residents, communicating with different participators such as the government, non-profit organizations, and reducing the cost of their participation. The relationship between the government, non-profit organizations and the residents in the process of Community-Based Conservation will affect the fulfillment in urban areas.
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