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    Title: 尋覓/迷『華茲華斯』:《序曲》為華茲華斯之名的翻譯與新生
    Des Tours de Wordsworth: The Prelude as the Translation of Wordsworth`s Proper Name and Its Sur-vival
    Authors: 張郁屏
    Chang, Yu Ping
    Contributors: 楊麗敏
    Yang, Li Min
    Chang, Yu Ping
    Keywords: 華茲華斯
    William Wordsworth
    Jacques Derrida
    The Prelude
    proper name
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2010-12-09 12:02:14 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 《序曲》一直以來被視認為華茲華斯的自傳詩,描述華茲華斯如何憑藉自身心靈與自然的互動,發展獨立整合的自我。然而,《序曲》文本結構上的多重性與不完整性,卻與華茲華斯所提倡的自我形象相抵觸。本篇論文將依據德希達的翻譯理論,由三方面探討華茲華斯如何透過書寫《序曲》形塑自身詩人形象的身份認同。首先,寫作《序曲》是華茲華斯的譯者天職 (the task of the translator)。唯有完成書寫《序曲》此一必要卻又不可能的任務 (a necessary and impossible task),華茲華斯才可確立自己作為詩人的身份認同。再者,華茲華斯的詩人身份仰賴華茲華斯之名的翻譯 (the translation of Wordsworth`s proper name)。華茲華斯之名的可譯與不可譯 (the translatability and untranslatability of Wordsworth’s proper name)促使華茲華斯不斷地進行翻譯與改寫,因而造成了《序曲》文本結構上的多重性與不完整性。最後,《序曲》將以華茲華斯的「佚傳」(otobiography) 而非自傳的方式進行重新詮釋,說明華茲華斯企圖透過書寫《序曲》所建立的自我身份認同,必須藉由「他者的耳朵」(the ear of the other)來確立。
    The Prelude has long been regarded as William Wordsworth`s autobiographical poem in which he celebrates an autonomous and consistent self nourished from the interaction between his mind and Nature. However, the textual plurality and a sense of incompleteness of The Prelude contradicts the unique and unitary self-identity proposed by Wordsworth in this poem. On the basis of Derrida`s theory of translation, this thesis intends to investigate the establishment of Wordsworth`s identity as a poet in The Prelude in three aspects. First, the writing and completion of The Prelude is Wordsworth`s task of the translator, the necessary and impossible task in search of an identity as a poet. Second, the constitution of Wordsworth`s identity as a poet depends on the translation of Wordsworth`s proper name which calls for and against translation at the same time. The translatability and untranslatability of Wordsworth`s proper name leads to the textual plurality and incompleteness of The Prelude as the result of Wordsworth`s endless translation of his name. Last but not least, The Prelude is not so much Wordsworth`s autobiographical poem as Wordsworth`s otobiography which calls for the ear of the other to constitute his self-identity by hearing and signing with him. This thesis endeavors to prove that Wordsworth, in the position of an indebted translator committed to an insolvent debt and non-dischargeable duty by a translation contract with Nature and Coleridge, is obliged to translate his proper name in search of the sur-vival of his name as a poet and his poetry by writing The Prelude as his otobiography which is always open to and demands the ear of the other to recognize and affirm Wordsworth`s name as a great poet.
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