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    Title: 平衡閱讀教學對英語初學者字母知識、語音覺識 、及閱讀態度之影響-以台灣補習班
    The impact of BRI on the letter knowledge, phonological awareness, and attitude of EFL beginners in a Taiwan cram school.
    Authors: 王寶佳
    Contributors: 周祝瑛
    Chou, Chuing P.
    Keywords: 平衡閱讀教學
    balanced reading instruction
    letter knowledge
    phonological awareness
    reading attitude
    EFL beginners
    cram school
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2010-12-09 09:21:11 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 視英語為第一外語的學習,一直是學生生活中一個重要的課題。英語的使用變的更為普遍,以位於東亞國家的台灣來說,就已經開始重視英語的教學。然而,大部分的家長仍不滿意孩子們的英語能力,因此,而產生了所謂的補習班。為了增進學生的閱讀能力與態度,任何一種有效的教學策略都是值得探討的。本研究的主要目的之一,便是了解平衡閱讀教學的出現,如何增進國小學生英語學習的效能。而實施行動研究的目的,主要是為了確認平衡閱讀教學的效果。在為期五個月的前導研究完成後,其研究成果便成為正式研究的基礎架構。本研究之對象為15位台北市國小一年級參加補習班的學童。研究結果顯示,平衡閱讀教學對於增進學生字彙的認知能力、語音覺識與技巧有所幫助,同時,也能大幅增進學生學習英語的自信心。除此之外,平時就有參加補習班的學童進步的程度也明顯大於未參加的學童。然而,為了增進教學的效能,系統化的發音教學範例在幫助教師制定更為合適的教學計畫與學習內容上,是極為必要的。

    English language learning as the first and foreign language has always been an important factor in a child’s life as a student. As the usage of the English language becomes ever more apparent, East Asian nation like Taiwan has started to place much focus on its teaching. However, many parents in Taiwan are still unsatisfied with their children’s English abilities where they gained from formal school, hence the so-called cram school. In order to improve student reading ability and attitude, any effective teaching strategies are worth exploring. The main objective of this study is to determine how balanced reading instruction will enhance English learning effectiveness among EFL beginners. An action study was done in order to identify teaching effects of a balanced reading instruction. A pilot study was first accomplished, which later served as the backbone of the formal study. Participants were fifteen first graders at an English cram school in Taipei. Data collections were gained from abecedarian reading assessment, reading attitude questionnaires, observations, interviews and recordings methods. Results showed that balanced reading instruction is helpful in enhancing students’ letter knowledge, phonological awareness and increasing the students’ reading attitude. In addition, students who attended class in the cram school regularly improved better than those who did not. However, in order to improve teaching efficiency, more systematic phonics teaching are needed in order to help teachers make appropriate teaching plans for the EFL beginners.

    Keywords: balanced reading instruction, letter knowledge, phonological awareness, reading attitude, EFL beginners
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