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    Title: 友情、愛情與親情三種情感關係的共同性與獨特性─普遍性友誼的探究
    The commonality and uniqueness of friendship, romantic relationship, and parent-child relationship.─ An inquiry into universal friendship
    Authors: 陳嬿任
    Chen, Yan Ren
    Contributors: 詹志禹
    Jason Chan, Chih Yu
    Chen, Yan Ren
    Keywords: 友情關係
    romantic relationship
    parent-child relationship
    universal friendship
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2010-12-09 09:15:19 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究之研究目的旨在:(一) 探討友情、愛情與親情三種情感關係的共同性;(二) 探討友情、愛情與親情三種情感關係的獨特性;(三) 探討友情、愛情與親情三種情感關係之共同性與情感關係滿意度的關係;(四) 探討友情與愛情二種情感關係之共同性與情感關係穩定度的關係;(五) 探討友情關係中的性別差異。
    The main purposes of this study are to explore: (a) the commonality of friendship, romantic relationship, and parent-child relationship, (b) the uniqueness of friendship, romantic relationship, and parent-child relationship, (c) the relationship between commonality and satisfaction of friendship, romantic relationship, and parent-child relationship, (d) the relationship between commonality and stability of friendship and romantic relationship, (e) the gender differences in friendship.
    A total of 690 undergraduate and postgraduate students participated in the study. The participants are then separated into three equal groups with 230 students in each group. The survey on the interpersonal relationship scale was then administered to each group regarding a unique relationship such as friendship, romantic relationship, and parent-child relationship. Total valid questionnaires are 617; among them are 203 regarding friendship, 206 regarding romantic relationship, and 208 regarding the parent-child relationship. Data were collected, processed, and analyzed using the following statistic methods: descriptive statistics, t-test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson`s product-moment correlation, simple regression analysis, and simultaneous multiple regression analysis. Major findings are summarized as follows:
    1.There are commonalities found among friendship, romantic relationship, and parent-child relationship.
    2. There is uniqueness between romantic relationship and parent-child relationship.
    3. There are significant positive correlations between the commonality and satisfaction of friendship, romantic relationship, and parent-child relationship.
    4. There are significant positive correlations between the stability of friendship and the commonality of friendship, romantic relationship, and parent-child relationship.
    5. Female students pay much attention to closeness than male students in friendship.
    6. The romantic in opposite sex friendship shows significant positive correlation than in the same sex.
    7. The gradual change of spectrum last in the stage of friendship to romantic stage.
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