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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/49713

    Title: 論我國證券投資信託基金與境外基金法制規範之衡平性
    The comparision between the laws of the securities investment trust funds and the Regulations Governing Offshore Funds
    Authors: 朱清松
    Contributors: 劉連煜
    Keywords: 證券投資信託基金
    securities investment trust fund
    Securities Investment Trust and Consulting Act
    Offshore Fund
    Regulations Governing Offshore Fund
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2010-12-08 17:31:04 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 證券投資信託基金已是國人重要的理財主要工具之一。回顧我國證券投資信託基金發展的歷史,從早期為吸引外資投資我國而開放設立證券投資信託基金,接著也成為我國投資人重要之投資工具,到後來開放境外基金得以在國內顧問,境外商品就此開始深受國人喜愛;直至證券投資信託及顧問法通過,主管機關依授權訂定境外基金管理辦法後,國人得投資經由總代理人依法向主管機關申請核准或申報生效在我國境內募集銷售之境外基金,也開啟了境外基金與證券投資信託基金於國內銷售既競爭又合作之關係。



    The securities investment trust fund is one of the important financial investment vehicles in Taiwan. Looking back on the history of Taiwan fund industry development, from the early days of fund launch to attract foreign investments to these modern days that funds become important investment tools for the investors. Soon later the offshore funds were open to the domestic consultants, they began to be a favored investment product for many investors. After the Securities Investment Trust and Consulting Act takes effect, the regulator prescribed the Regulations Governing Offshore Funds. The local investors may invest in the offshore funds that have obtained authorizations from the regulator, which contribute to not only the competition but also cooperation by and between the offshore funds and the securities investment trust funds in Taiwan.

    The competition/cooperation between the offshore funds and the securities investment trust funds can be seen at not only the product innovation or domestic sales. More importantly, this thesis concerns more on what are the regulatory initiatives that have been taken for the securities investment trust funds due to the promulgation of the Regulations Governing Offshore Funds. Are there any requirements of the securities investment trust funds that will need adjustments or amendments after the implementation of Regulations Governing Offshore Funds? Also, what are the impacts on the current rules and regulations after the birth of offshore fund regulations? Of course, will the offshore funds managers need to adjust their operation and internal control system to be in compliance with the laws and regulations in Taiwan? Will any offshore funds domicile jurisdiction change their respective laws in order to meet the requirements set fort by the market and legal environment in Taiwan?

    This thesis uses a comparative study of the related laws of the securities investment trust funds and the Regulations Governing Offshore Funds as well as the directives of UCITS, the original law of most of the offshore funds. To realize what is the specification of their difference and to explore the rationality of their difference. Moreover, to seek the balance of inquires among them, so as to contribute to the fund industry in Taiwan as the reference for legal development.

    Finally, the thesis tries to summarize the results of this study in addition to replying to the above questions with some examples. After the comparison of the legal systems between the related laws of securities investment trust funds and that of offshore funds, this thesis briefly reiterates the opinion of the balancing and provides concrete and workable suggestions to further the development of the fund industry in Taiwan.
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    18. The Association of the Luxembourg fund industry, 10 reasons for a Luxembourg management company “Manco”, 201003.
    19. Wen Yue Wang, Corporate Versus Contractual Mutual Funds: An Enaluation of Structure and Gonvernance, Washington Law Review, 1994.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096961221
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