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    Title: 論保險經紀人之自律規範與法令遵循
    Study On Code Of Conduct and legal compliance of insurance brokers
    Authors: 林媗琪
    Contributors: 林建智
    Keywords: 保險經紀人
    insurance broker
    conflict of interest
    code of conduct
    legal compliance
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2010-12-08 16:41:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 我國加入WTO後,保險市場加速開放,保險行銷亦走向多元化,而保險經紀人屬於保險行銷之一環,因此如何健全保險經紀市場以維護保險業之正常運作,並兼顧消費者權益,實係監理機關之一大課題。

    2004年10月14日,美國紐約州檢察官史匹哲(Eliot Spitzer)正式起訴國際保險經紀人,此起訴案為保險經紀業界投入震撼彈,引發保險經紀人之利益衝突等問題。而我國亦隨之檢討保險經紀人於保險交易中,雙重代理及保單條件與再保條件不一致之問題。因此如何避免保險經紀人之利益衝突,並尋求解決之道,無疑係現階段各國監理機關之重要課題。

    Since the entrance into WTO, the market of insurance is opened speedily and the marketing of insurance also trends to diversify in Taiwan. To be a part of insurance marketing, it is essential for the regulatory to enhance the operation of market of insurance brokers regularly and protect the rights of consumers.

    In 14 Oct,2004, the New York Attorney General Spitzer filed a civil suit in State Supreme Court in Manhattan, bringing charges of fraud and antitrust violations against leading insurance broker Marsh & McLennan Cos. (MMC). This case shocked the industry of insurance brokers and emerged the scandals of conflict of interest. Therefore the fierce debate on dual brokerage and difference in condition during the process of insurance mediation was going on in Taiwan. So undoubtedly the most important task of the regulatory all over the world right now is to avoid the conflict of interest of insurance brokers and solve it .

    The main theme of this paper focuses on the issue of Code Of Conduct And Legal Compliance Of Insurance Brokers. In the first place, the forms of conflict of interest of insurance brokers in Taiwan and overseas are addressed and the solutions are suggested. Second, some models of the legal compliance are examined, including U.S., Europe, Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and International Association of Insurance Supervisors. And the structure of legal compliance of insurance brokers in Taiwan is established. Third, the codes of conduct of insurance brokers abroad, ex: the Financial Services Authority of UK, National Association of Insurance and the Insurance Department of New York State are introduced. Then the guidance of code of conduct of insurance brokers in Taiwan is proposed. As possible contribution to the reform of insurance brokers in Taiwan, some conclusive remarks and suggestions are submitted in the final place.
    Reference: 壹、中文部分
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0923580051
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