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Title: | 創新性智慧資本之評估:以醫療產業為例 |
Authors: | 林貞瑜 |
Contributors: | 吳安妮 林貞瑜 |
Keywords: | 智慧資本 醫療產業創新 聯合價值層級 Intellectual capital innovation in hospital industry conjoint value hierarchy |
Date: | 2006 |
Issue Date: | 2010-12-08 13:52:18 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 全民健康保險實施,促使醫院走向非價格競爭的經營模式,「創新」將會是醫院維持競爭力的利器。 本研究透過兩兩成對比較之問卷調查方式了解影響醫療產業創新之組成要素權重,並進一步經由訪談之方式針對醫療產業創新性智慧資本之價值加以衡量,為個案醫院建立一套創新性智慧資本的聯合價值層級衡量系統。 考量院方之與創新相關之核心價值及願景的情況下,個案醫院最看重的是人力資本,其次依序是財務資本、結構資本及關係資本,代表在創新策略為導向的情況中,人力資本更是醫院最重要的無形資產。推導出個案醫院創新性智慧資本之價值為0.380,處於醫療產業的個案醫院的創新性智慧資本之價值較低。 聯合價值層級衡量系統除了解關鍵成功因素外,針對該因素實際成果進行探討,其價值結果可以提供管理者於資源投入時重要的參考依據與策略執行力及權重認知的檢視。 The hospitals tend to non-price competition because of the National Health Insurance. “Innovation” will be hospitals’ sharp weapons to maintain their competitive advantage. This thesis conducted the case study under the hospital industry to confer two themes. The first is the weights of determinants of innovation within hospital industry via pair-comparison in a questionnaire. The last is the value of innovative intellectual capital within hospital industry through interviews. This thesis developed a new measurement system of innovative intellectual capital within hospital industry-- conjoint value hierarchy. Considering the core value and vision, the most capital is human capital for object of the case study. the next are financial capital and structural capital. The last one is relational capital this order implicated that human capital is the most important intangible asset in the case the innovation strategy as a consideration. The value of innovative intellectual capital in object of the case study is low, only 0.380. The measurement system, conjoint value hierarchy, cannot only understand key success factors, but also consider the value of actual result of the key success factors. The value result can provide management a important reference basis for resource input and review of execution of strategy and of weight perception. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 會計研究所 94353021 95 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0094353021 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [會計學系] 學位論文
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