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    Title: 在不同工作特性下,酬勞誘因對組織績效之影響:實地實證研究
    Authors: 李伶珠
    Lee, Ling Chu
    Contributors: 吳安妮博士
    Lee, Ling Chu
    Keywords: 工作特性
    task interdependence
    performance-based compensation
    tournament incentives
    Date: 2005
    Issue Date: 2010-12-08 13:50:05 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 傳統代理理論主張,企業可利用績效酬勞激勵員工努力工作,提昇組織績效;而競賽理論則強調,利用同儕競賽,並擴大勝負間的酬勞差距,以達企業利潤極大化目標。績效酬勞與競賽誘因對員工投入的努力皆具正面激勵效果,然而,在不同工作特性下,酬勞誘因隨著員工工作所需的合作程度不同,對組織績效的影響卻有所差異。
    Agency theory suggests that organizations can motivate employees to exert their efforts by providing individual-based compensation. Tournament theory argues that, by encouraging competition among employees and increasing the compensation gaps between winners and losers, firms can direct employees’ actions in alignment with the firm’s interests. Both compensation schemes can induce employees’ efforts and increase corporate performance. However, the positive effects on corporate performance vary in the need of cooperation among employees, ranging from independent to interdependent tasks.

    This paper uses a theoretical and empirical analysis of performance-based and tournament-based incentives to examine the impacts of compensation incentives on branch performance. For the impacts of performance-based incentives on branch performance, the performance will increase in the individual performance-based incentives. When employees work independently, the greater the compensation gaps lead to more efforts and higher performance. When employees work interdependently, two contradictory effects of greater the compensation gaps make the performance change unclear. On the one hand, greater compensation gaps will increase employees’ efforts for being winner in the tournament. On the other hand, greater compensation gaps will induce employees not to help their competitors and hurt the performance, although help efforts can contribute firms profits.

    Using four years of data from a large car company with 86 car dealer branches and 90 car repair service branches, we find that for the independent tasks, the branch performance increase as individual performance-based compensation increases or revenue variance decreases. For the tasks needed cooperation among employees, the branch performance is increasing in group-based compensation or decreasing in revenue variance. Besides, we find that the larger the compensation gaps between inter- or intra-jobs, the branch performance for the independent tasks are better. The impacts of the compensation gaps on the interdependent tasks are smaller than on the independent tasks. Therefore, incentive policy rewards the best performances with the complementary fit between tasks design and compensation schemes
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