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Title: | 電視新聞框架研究-以電視新聞報導集會遊行事件為例 Framing taiwan television news: a content analysis of protest news |
Authors: | 林常富 |
Contributors: | 王泰俐 Wang, Taili 林常富 |
Keywords: | 電視新聞框架 電視新聞 新聞框架 框架理論 感官主義 社會運動 集會遊行 政黨偏差 責任框架 情感框架 衝突框架 經濟影響框架 道德框架 Television News Frames Television News News Framing Framing Sensationalism Social Movement Protest News Partisan Bias Attribution of Responsibility Framing Conflict Framing Human Interest Framing Economic Consequences Framing Morality Framing |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2010-12-08 12:45:43 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 過去國內電視新聞的相關研究中指出,國內電視新聞報導出現「時段區塊固 定」、「嚴肅新聞比例下降」、「報導內容感官主義化」、「報導形式視覺化」等情況。但僅了解電視新聞的發展趨勢似乎仍不足以了解電視新聞對國人的影響,甚至每日潛移默化的改變。
政治立場偏藍的電視新聞報導中,比偏綠的新聞台呈現更多「衝突框架」和「經濟影響框架」,其他新聞框架則無太大差異。另外,政治中立的電視台明顯比政治立場偏頗的電視台呈現更多的「衝突框架」;另外,政治偏藍的電視台也比偏綠和中立的電視台運用更多的「經濟影響框架」。 This study examines how Taiwan television news frames protest news by investigating the prevalence of 5 news frames identified in earlier studies on faming and framing effects: frames of attribution of responsibility, conflict, human interest, economic consequences, and morality.
This study content analyzed 206 television news stories in the protest against president Ma Ying-jeou’s 100th day in office in August 30th, 2008. The results showed that, overall, the human interest frame was most commonly used in the television news, respectively followed by the attribution of responsibility, conflict, economic consequences, and morality. It also appeared that sensational presentation as popular outlets in Taiwan’s television news. The use of news frames not only was differenced from channels, but also in partisan stances taken by various channels. |
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