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    政大機構典藏 > 資訊學院 > 資訊科學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/49473
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    Title: 以共現資訊為基礎增進英漢翻譯對列改進方法
    Using Co-Occurrence Information for Alignment Improvement in English-Chinese Translation
    Authors: 黃昭憲
    Huang,Chao Shainn
    Contributors: 劉昭麟
    Liu,Chao Lin
    Huang,Chao Shainn
    Keywords: 詞彙對列
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2010-12-08 12:08:43 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文承接呂明欣和張智傑兩位原有的翻譯系統,主要針對詞彙對列模組來進行改善,進而增進詞序範例樹之精確率和數量,以建立高品質的詞序範例樹資料庫,提升整體的翻譯品質。
    This research continues the translation systems designed by Ming-Shin Lu and Chih-Chieh Chang. We mainly ameliorate the word alignment and create high-quality databases of reordering tree to improve the quality in translation.
      In this paper, we explore the possibility of finding alignments for words that are not aligned by methods that employ only information about word translations from English and Chinese dictionaries. With the proposed methods, we were able to align chunks of words between English and Chinese, not limiting to just word-to-word alignment.
      In evaluation, parallel corpuses with different degrees for English are used as training data. In addition, Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study questions are chosen as testing data. The evaluation is performed by exploiting NIST and BLEU as standards. The experimental results show that the proposed method enhances the effect of word alignment. Also, it can generate more reordering tree for bilingual structured string tree corredpondence. Besides, the translation quality of assisted translation system will increase by using our method.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0097753007
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[資訊科學系] 學位論文

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