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    Title: 國一新生英語學習焦慮、學習動機和學習策略研究
    A study on english learning anxiety, motivation, and learning strategies of the beginning learners in junior high schools
    Authors: 林文玉
    Lin, Wen Yu
    Contributors: 林啟一
    Lin, Chi Yee
    Lin, Wen Yu
    Keywords: 學習焦慮
    learning anxiety
    learning motivation
    learning strategy
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2010-12-08 10:47:45 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討從小四開始學英語的國一新生的英語學習焦慮、學習動機和學習策略。參與研究的對象為來自台北縣四所公立國中的639位國一新生。 研究者採用外語課室焦慮問卷、動機強度問卷以及外語學習策略問卷為研究工具。除了問卷之外,也包括低分群學生的面訪。
    本研究主要發現如下: (一) 從小四開始學英語的國一新生沒有英語學習焦慮,他們有足夠的動機強度,也能使用各種學習策略。(二)學習焦慮負面影響學習動機以及學習策略,而學習動機與學習策略呈現正相關。此三者中,學習動機與學習策略的相關性較強。(三)性別與學習起始年齡顯著影響學習焦慮、學習動機與學習策略。男、女學生學習動機和學習策略使用上有顯著差異。然而,學習起始年齡顯著影響學習焦慮和學習策略的使用。(四)相較於其他學生,低分群學生的英語學習是焦慮的、動機強度稍低以及使用較少的學習策略。他們需要老師的協助。
    綜觀上述,本研究者提供國中英語教師下列幾項建議以幫助國一新生的英語學習: 減少測驗的頻率及難度、練習社會策略、多留意男學生以及自小四才開始學英語的學生,以及提供多元補救教學課程以滿足低分群學生不同的學習需求。
    The study is intended to explore the learning situations of the beginning junior high school learners with English learning experience in Northern Taiwan. A total of 639 students from four junior high schools in Taipei County participated in the study. The Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS), the Motivation Intensity Questionnaire (MIQ), and the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) were used as the study tools. Besides, a follow-up interview of anxious low-scoring students was also conducted.
    All the results were generated from statistic analysis and interview. The results of students’ learning anxiety and motivation, and strategy use were obtained through descriptive statistics. The correlations were from the Pearson’s Correlation. The comparisons of the effects of gender and initial learning grade and the questionnaire results of the low-scoring students and the non-low scoring students were through the independent-samples t-test. Meanwhile, the low-scoring students’ learning problems were explored through the interview.
    The major findings of the present study are stated as follows:
    1. The beginning junior high school students with English learning experience in primary school in the present study did not seem to be anxious about English learning. Meanwhile, they had enough motivation intensity and could sometimes apply all kinds of language strategies.
    2. Learning anxiety negatively correlated with the English learning motivation and the English learning strategy use, and English learning motivation correlated with strategy use positively. Among the three, motivation intensity and strategy use were more strongly related to each other.
    3. Either gender or the initial learning grade significantly influenced the learning anxiety, motivation, and learning strategy use. There were significant differences between the male students and the female students in learning motivation and learning strategy use. And the initial English learning grade significantly influenced the English learning anxiety and learning strategy use.
    4. The low-scoring students proved that they were more anxious, less motivated, and employed fewer learning strategies than the non-low scoring students. They needed various assistances from teachers.
    Based on the findings, the researcher suggests that junior high school English teachers take some measures to help their beginning learners. These measures include reducing the frequencies and the difficulties of tests, practicing social strategies, paying more attention to the male students and the students with fewer years of English learning experience, and supplying multiple remedial courses to meet the various needs of the low-scoring students.
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