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    Title: 角色扮演融入英語繪本教學-國小二年級英語教室實例
    Effects of integrating role play into english picture books: an experiment in a second grade efl classroom
    Authors: 王心怡
    Wang, Shin Yi
    Contributors: 劉小蘭
    Liu, Hsiao Lan
    Wang, Shin Yi
    Keywords: 角色扮演
    role play
    motivation and attitudes
    oral reading ability
    elementary English
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2010-12-08 02:05:16 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在透過角色扮演融入英語繪本教學在台灣國小二年級英語課室的運用,探討其對於英語學習動機和態度及英文朗讀能力之影響,並了解國小低年級學童對於角色扮演融入英語繪本教學之回應。本研究之台北市某國小的二年級一個班級學生共22人為研究對象,研究面向在英語學習動機方面著重於了解年幼英語初學者生的學習動機在內在學習動機方面及社會因素方面影響的改變。在英文朗讀能力方面著重角色扮演融入英語繪本教學對於朗讀流暢性、朗讀清淅度及字彙認讀之影響。資料蒐集包括前後評量、前後問卷調查及學生訪談。資料分析顯示學生英文朗讀在朗讀流暢性、朗讀清淅度及字彙認讀的進步情形。資料分析且顯示學生英語學習動機在社會因素方面的轉變。本研究結果顯示:一、角色扮演融入英語繪本教學有助於提升國小低年級英語初學者在社會因素方面的英語學習動機,學生更喜歡和老師一起讀英文繪本,也更喜歡和同學一起完成英文閱讀課裡的角色扮演活動。二、角色扮演融入英語繪本教學對於國小低年級英語初學者英語朗讀在朗讀流暢性、朗讀清淅度及字彙認讀方面有正面的影響且低成就學生之進步較明顯。三、國小低年級英語初學者對於角色扮演融入英語繪本教學運用在英語課堂學習的評價是正面的。最後,研究者歸納出研究結果並對未來進一步的研究提出參考建議。
    The purpose of this three-set/eight-class action research was to explore the effects of integrating Role Play into English picture books on second graders’ motivation and attitudes and oral reading ability in a second grade EFL classroom. Three research questions are as follows:
    1. Does integrating Role Play into picture books improve second graders’ motivation/attitudes toward learning English?
    2. Does integrating Role Play into picture books improve second graders’ English reading ability?
    3. What are the participants’ perceptions of the integrating Role Play into picture books?
    Twenty-two students were involved to participate in this study. Three kinds of instruments were used, composed of the MLE (Motivation for Learning English) questionnaire, oral reading ability test (ORAT) and interviews. Before giving instruction of integrating Role Play into picture books, the pre-MLE questionnaire and pre-ORAT were administrated to measure students’ previous motivation and oral reading ability. The teaching and interviews were recorded to the purpose of classroom observation, modifying the experiment and collecting the data to accompany the results from the MLE and ORAT. After integrating Role Play into picture books, the post- MLE questionnaire and post-ORAT were used to compare and explain how students’ motivation/attitudes changed and their oral reading ability improved. Furthermore, interviews were conducted to understand students’ perspective toward integrating Role Play into picture books.
    Based on the findings, integrating Role Play into picture books has created an interesting environment for young EFL learners to use the language. That is, young learners as second graders need peer group’s accompany and proper pressure from performance to create a safe and positive learning environment in language classroom.
    The major results are summarized as follows:
    1. The comparison of results of oral reading ability showed that more than half of the participants have made an improvement in oral reading ability, in terms of fluency, correct reading (“read correctly”), and vocabulary recognition (“vocabulary”), after the instruction.
    2. The results of the questionnaires showed an improvement on participants’ motivation of social aspects and a small percentage of improvement on the two constructs of intrinsic motivation, learning curiosity and importance of learning, but not on learning involvement of intrinsic motivation.
    3. The instruction of integrating Role Play into picture books had improved participants’ motivation for learning English on social aspects in terms of the participants like to read English picture books with teacher and classmates and like to work with classmates to finish the task of role play in English reading classes.
    4. Students have gained attitude change toward English learning from integrating Role Play into picture books. They liked English more, practiced English by listening to CD, and recited more English words than the adult asked, and etc. Besides, the eight students’ oral description showed that five out from them felt the pressure to perform on the stage but no one of them felt pressure in group practice. The results showed the importance of peer group practice to make them feel relaxed without pressure.
    Finally, it is hoped that this study will provide more insightful ideas for educators and teachers. Regarding young learners, they need more interesting activities and opportunities to use the language.

    Key words: role play, motivation and attitudes, oral reading ability, elementary English
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