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Title: | 健全我國農業金融體制與監理之探討--兼論差異化管理措施 An investigation to agricultural finance system and supervision -Differential supervision scheme |
Authors: | 林重境 Lin, Chung Ching |
Contributors: | 朱浩民 林重境 Lin, Chung Ching |
Keywords: | 農業金融 差異化管理 立即糾正措施 agricultural finance differential supervision scheme prompt-corrective action |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2010-12-08 02:03:03 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 農漁會組織長久以來於農業發展扮演重要角色,其促進農業生產,增進農民福祉與繁榮農村經濟,對台灣早期之經濟發展貢獻許多。隨著經濟結構的變動,農會信用部面對產業結構的轉變及其他金融機構的激烈競爭,致使其經營陷入困境,經過金融重建基金處理了36家經營不善信用部,宣佈分級管理措施,及12萬農民大遊行,政府為徹底解決信用部諸多問題,於93年1月實施農業金融法,建立由行政院農業委員會一元化管理之農業金融體系,經過一連串之改革,相關財務指標顯示信用部之經營已逐漸改善中。
研究發現,農業金融改革後信用部之經營確實在改善中。然而,在80年代農業金融危機下遺留的問題尚未完全克服。對於我國農業金融發展,本研究從組織面、業務面與監理面進行探討,提出改革建議包括:全面檢討修訂農會法與漁會法、儘速恢復股金制、建置合併法規鼓勵合併、儘速處理經營不善之信用部並建構多元退場機制、加強農業金融體系連結與加速資訊共用平台之整合、強化對全國農業金庫與信用部之監理、落實金融監理加強實地檢查與場外監控措施、導入差異化管理與立即糾正措施等,農業金融機構有必要繼續改革,以健全農業金融體系,保障存款人權益,促進農漁村經濟發展。 The Farmers’ and Fishermen’s Associations played an important role in the field of agricultural production. They helped agriculture develop, increased farmers’ and fishermen’s welfare, flourished the countryside and contributed a lot to the early progress of Taiwan economy. With the transition of economic structure, the whole environment became quite disadvantageous to credit departments of farmers’ and fishermens’ associations, which face the changes of the industrial structure and fierce competition from other financial institutions. With the experiences of the settlement of 36 problem credit departments by the Financial Restructuring Fund, announcement of differential supervision scheme and demonstration of 120,000 agriculturists, the government implemented the Agricultural Finance Act on 30th January 2004 and built an integrated agricultural finance system governed by the Council of Agriculture (COA) to solve many problems of credit departments. Through those reformations, the financial index showed that the condition of these credit departments has improved gradually.
This study aimed to discuss those difficulties that our agricultural finance system and credit departments encountered and bring up suggestions to complete this system and the government’s supervision referring to the reformation of agricultural finance system in Japan.
What our study found is that the operation of credit departments has undoubtedly improved after taking reformations to agricultural finance system in Taiwan. However, problems that the agricultural finance crisis left behind in 1980s have not been completely conquered yet. As to the prospect of our agricultural finance system, from the aspects of organizational structures, business activities and government’s supervision, we suggest the reforms include to examine and amend both the Farmers’ Association Law and the Fishermen’s Association Law from stem to stern, re-enforce paid-in capital system with all speed, draw up laws to encourage mergers, deal with problem credit departments and build up plenty selections to help them exit as soon as possible, strengthen the connection of agricultural finance system and the integration of information sharing stations, intensify our supervision towards the Agricultural Bank of Taiwan and credit departments, reinforce on-the-spot examination and off-site monitoring, bring differential supervision scheme and prompt-corrective action into practice and so on. Hence, we may achieve the goal to complete the agricultural finance system, protect the rights of depositors and prosper the rural villages’ and fishing villages’ economy. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 95921026 98 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095921026 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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