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Title: | 以台灣不同族群之對日態度看台、中、日三角群際關係 |
Authors: | 莊靜怡 |
Contributors: | 李美枝 莊靜怡 |
Keywords: | 族群認同 社會認同 後殖民 集體記憶 政治認知 台灣 群際關係 ethnic identity social identity post-colonialism collective memory political cognition Taiwan intergroup relationship |
Date: | 2002 |
Issue Date: | 2010-12-08 02:00:15 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 現在台灣的國家(族群)認同正處在一個不明的階段,不僅是族群間有對立的國族意識型態,對第三國-日本的態度似乎也出現族群之間的不同。本研究目的就在瞭解台灣的不同族群之間是否有不同的對日態度,以及族群認同的工具性是否涉入其中。抽樣295位台灣民眾所得的研究結果顯示,不同族群認同者確實有不同的對日態度。族群自我認同為「台灣人」者比起其他族群認同類別者給予日本比給予中國更多的好評,另外,他們也覺得中國比較沒有那麼親近,同時也對日本負面歷史行為做出更有利的歸因。此外,台灣人民的台灣意識為其「族群認同」對親日態度預測力的中介變項。研究結果以選擇性遺忘、建構認同及三角群際關係來加以解釋,亦即,後殖民時期台灣人民的對日態度為建構自身認同所展現的工具性態度,目的在對抗主要外團體中國,不能只是解釋為殖民主義的影響。 This study was set to investigate how people in Taiwan perceive Japan and China differently in terms of their ethnic identities. Taiwan has experienced the Japanese colonial regime and the Nationalist regime consecutively each for about fifty years. Over the century, Taiwan has kept searching for its collective identity, and China remains the number one threat to its nation-building project. From 295 sampled Taiwan people, we found different ethnic self-identifiers showed different attitudes toward Japanese. Those who identify themselves with Taiwanese showed most positive attitudes toward Japanese, regardless of the fact that they are mostly offspring of people having been through Japan colonial regime. To be more specific, they tended to evaluate Japan better than China, to rate China less close, and to make more “Japanese-serving attribution” when reasoning about Japanese`s historical brutality during the Second World War. Moreover, the correlation between Taiwan people`s ethnic identities and their attitudes toward Japanese has been found mediated by Taiwan political ideology. The results were discussed by referring to instrumentality of ethnic identification and selective forgetting of collective history in order to reconstruct a new ethnic identity. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 心理學研究所 91 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#A2010000088 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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