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    Title: 台灣產險業在越南發展商機之探討
    Research on the Taiwan’S non-life insurers business opportunities in Vietnam
    Authors: 陳正秋
    Chen, Joe C.C.
    Contributors: 林建智
    Lin, Jan Juy
    Chen, Joe C.C.
    Keywords: 台灣
    business opportunity
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2010-12-08 01:57:11 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 由於經濟轉型,消費者保護意識抬頭,製造業在台灣生產成本提高,支撐早期經濟奇蹟的中小型紛紛選擇外移,導致台灣的產險市場大餅成長不易,甚至負成長,產險公會理事長石燦明先生更公開呼籲,產險業者應避免削價競爭,否則2010年將會是簽單保費新台幣千億元的保衛戰。台灣已是世界貿易組織WTO的正式一員,隨著全球化發展趨勢,部份產險業者開始突破傳統格局,到海外尋找藍海市場。與歐美業者相較,東南亞各國在文化和地域性上的相近,除中國大陸外,越南政府近年來亦展現改革開放決心,積極對抗越南盾貶值壓力,同時吸引大量外國直接投資(FDI),造就連續幾年的高經濟成長率,越南的產險保費收入亦拜經濟成長之賜而維持二位數的高成長。越南於2007年成為WTO第150會員國,為了履行開放保險市場的入會承諾,隨後公告幾則重要法案,讓有意進入越南保險市場的外資有所依循,同時一改其法令煩瑣行政效率不彰形象,核發執照予外資,台灣產險龍頭富邦產險率先掌握時機,突破門檻,於2008年成功設立子公司。從1988年起計迄今,台灣為越南累計最大的FDI投資國,台商所投資產業將為保險業務來源的最大支柱,此為台灣保險業者在越南的優勢。有了領頭羊富邦產險成功達陣的先例,本研究特就越南總體經濟開始切入,分析越南產險市場結構及富邦保險越南有限公司2009年的經營績效,進而針對外資及台灣產險業者在越南商機,分別以波特五力分析理論及SWOT分析法進一步探討,提出對台灣的產險業者發展越南保險市場的建議。
    In Taiwan, more and more manufacturers have been established with remarkable increase of operating and production costs. In the course of economic transitional period and due to the pressure of consumerism, the pioneers of Taiwan Economic Miracles, small and medium-size enterprise, were forced to move or expand their activities aboard. This has resulted to the severe drop of total premium of non-life insurance and eventually negatively impacted to the market growth in recent years. That was the reason why the chairman of Taiwanese Non-Life Insurance Association, Mr. T.M. Shih, appealed to all members for terminating the unhealthy competition on the premium pricing in order to prevent the industry total premium falls less than New Taiwan Dollars one hundred billion (NT$100 billion) in 2010. Benefiting from the participation of Taiwan in World Trade Organization (WTO), some Taiwanese insurers have sailed with the globalization trend to seek for new market of Blue Ocean in overseas. In contrary to the rivals of western insurers, beside the Mainland China, Southeast Asia countries stand with similar culture and are close to geographical factors to us, particularly Vietnam which becomes the country of a preferred investment destination. In addition, it is also because Vietnamese government has determined to Reform Policy to opening-up market to foreign investors, taken positive actions to against the depreciation of Vietnamese currency (Dong) as well as attracted a large amount of foreign direct investment (FDI). There were great achievements of high economic growth in past consecutive years in general, and the successful ratio of two-(2)-digit growth in Vietnamese non-life insurance sector in particular. Taiwan is the first position of FDI in terms of accumulated capital since 1988 to present. Stepping forward to this investment wave, the Taiwanese insurers will be able to take the advantage of these investors who will become the major business supporters in Vietnam. Vietnam has become the 150th member of WTO since 2007 and opening the insurance market is one of the commitments of accession. In order to guide the newcomers on insurance industry, several decrees and circulars have been promulgated and implemented accordingly. To demonstrate their efficient governmental policy, the Vietnamese Authority keeps considering and issuing a number of insurance business licenses to foreign investors. The market leader of non-life insurers in Taiwan, Fubon Insurance, ahead overcame the barriers to secure for the approval from Vietnamese government and established its subsidiary in 2008. Referring to the successful pattern of Fubon Insurance in Vietnam, this thesis commences from the research of Vietnamese macroeconomic, analysis of Vietnam insurance market and performance of Fubon Insurance Vietnam Company, in addition with the method of Potter Five Force and SWOT analysis respectively, the thesis will be concluded with the business opportunities and suggestions to the non-life insurers who are interested in Vietnam insurance market for further consideration.

    Key words: Vietnam, Taiwan, Insurance, business opportunity
    Reference: 一、中文部分
    1. 邱美惠,2005年11月27日,台灣保險業佈局大陸之契機,經濟日報。
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    1. Allens Arthur Robinson - Vietnam Laws Online Database on www.vietnamlaws.com
    2. AON BENFIELD NEWS LETTER, 2009 ,Business Monitor International Ltd, Vietnam Insurance Report Q4.
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    4. Ministry of Finance of Vietnam website, www.mof.gov.vn .
    5. Porter , 1980 ,Competitive Strategy.
    6. Swiss Re, 2009, world insurance in 2008 ,Sigma 3.
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096932252
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[風險管理與保險學系] 學位論文

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