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Title: | 應用九力分析建構企業競爭智慧系統之研究-以P公司為例 Applying Nine Forces Analysis to Construct Competitive Intelligence System-with P Company as an Example |
Authors: | 傅雅蓮 |
Contributors: | 季延平 傅雅蓮 |
Keywords: | 競爭智慧系統 九力分析 記憶體模組產業 Competitive Intelligence System The Nine Forces Memory module industry |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2010-12-08 01:54:51 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在全球化市場及國際化競爭的環境中,企業需加強對競爭對手的瞭解、對整體市場變動的認知、致力於開發有特色的產品、開發多元的行銷通路以及提供創新服務;而透過競爭智慧系統(Competitive Intelligence System, CIS)提供企業做預警的準備,估計競爭者未來可能採取的策略和反應,以有效地制定企業自己的策略方向及策略措施,適時反應市場變化。
本研究以五力分析為基礎與PEST結合形成九力分析,藉此分析記憶體模組產業此九項作用力間的強弱關係,並以九力觀點針對個案公司進行深入探究,得知個案公司於「供應商議價能力」之作用力對其他威脅性較高之市場因素。並透過SWOT 分析協助個案公司知悉目前定位,本研究藉由九力分析結果結合SWOT策略矩陣,建議個案公司建置競爭智慧系統,協助尋找上下游競爭決策流程之關鍵智慧議題,並深入探討如何設計對於上游採購之流程與相關競爭智慧之動態需求,並建立概念資料模型以供決策之用。
研究結果發現,記憶體模組產業目前所面臨最大挑戰為記憶體顆粒市場變化劇烈,需隨時掌握記憶體價格波動情況,並隨時監控市場交易情況,藉由建置競爭智慧系統了解各家競爭公司對於供應商之合作關係,快速反應市場的變化,提供個案公司完整之資料來源和結構化資料,以便未來企業做為決策之依據並追求機會,以提升自身競爭優勢。 In the globalization market and competitive environment, enterprises need to understand their competitors and changes of the globalization market, to develop unique products, to diversify marketing channels, and also to provide innovative services. Through Competitive Intelligence System (CIS), enterprises can predict competitors’ strategies and responses in the future develop their own business strategy and have quick response to the change of the globalization market.
This study uses the nine forces to investigate the critical production factors that have great impacts on the memory module industry. By means of the SWOT cross-matrix analysis, the study forms find out, analyze, constructs the strength and weakness of the case in this industry. According to the analysis, the force of the supplier’s bargaining power has more influence than the other forces. Then, this study explores how to design the process for the upstream procurement and the dynamic needs of competitive intelligence. Finally, according to the result to identify the key intelligence topic of the competitive decision-making process and build conceptual data model for decisions.
The results show that the biggest challenge of the memory module industry is the price of the DRAM in the market. Therefore, enterprises need to know the whole industry market conditions. By implementing the Competitive Intelligence System, it is easily to understand various competitors for the cooperation between suppliers, and to respond to market changes rapidly. Furthermore, CIS provides complete data sources and structured data to the enterprise as a basis for decision-making and help business to look for the opportunities to enhance their competitive advantage in the future. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 資訊管理研究所 97356036 98 |
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