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Title: | 財務會計部門之轉型與價值發揮--跨個案研究 Financial and accounting department`s transformation and value-added--cross-cases study |
Authors: | 林修頤 |
Contributors: | 吳安妮 林修頤 |
Keywords: | 財務會計部門 轉型 價值發揮 Financial and Accounting Department Transformation Value-added |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2010-12-08 01:52:49 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 財務會計部門之作業倘若僅侷限於憑證彙總、報表編製,將無法於現在的競爭環境中,發揮部門應有的角色與功能,因應企業之所需提供具附加價值的服務。為探究財務會計部門發揮價值之所在,本研究以跨個案的方式,敘述在不同經營環境與管理背景下的個案公司,財務會計部門在什麼樣的契機之下進行轉型,發展出有別於過往認知的角色與功能,以及為企業創造價值之處。
研究分析的結果,財務會計部門可以從協助事業單位目標之達成,而據以發展出服務組合;襄助管理高層擬訂策略、推行管理制度與追蹤預算;或是發展出支援企業財務長所需的功能等。財務會計部門的角色與功能不再侷限於簿記與帳務,能從多元、全方位的角度進行服務上的轉型,展現出部門存在於企業中的價值。此外,若輔以平衡計分卡協助轉型,可提供部門運作上的藍圖與釐清價值創造上的邏輯,有助於服務部門之轉型。 As the operating environment for business is becoming harsher, if the activities of financial and accounting department just limit to collate documents and issue financial reports, it can’t bring values which as the role and functions of business’ shared service unit should have into the company. To understand the financial and accounting department’s value in the company, the study uses cross-cases method to describe the department how to transform to play the role of value-added in different operating environment and management system.
The study reveals that the financial and accounting department can bring values to company by assisting the business units to reach the operating goals, supporting top managers to frame strategies, or developing the specific functions to aid chief financial officer. With more abilities to satisfy the needs of business operation, financial and accounting department’s role and function is more multiple. Besides, the balanced scorecard can provide a guide and blueprint for the department to transform and identify the core of value-added process. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 會計研究所 97353007 98 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0097353007 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [會計學系] 學位論文
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