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    Title: 社會網絡網站的價值階層圖
    The Hierarchical Value Maps of the Social Networking Sites
    Authors: 莊恭豪
    Contributors: 張愛華
    Keywords: 社會網絡網站
    Social network sites
    Means-End chain
    Laddering method
    Hierarchical value map
    Content analysis
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2010-12-08 01:52:00 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨者社會網絡網站在全球流行的同時,其相關的學術研究也如雨後春筍般地冒出頭來,主要可分為隱私權議題、線上與下線的聯繫、友情聯繫與印象管理、網絡與網絡結構這四大塊領域。目前的文獻缺乏以質性研究深入了解網友偏好哪些社會網絡網站的功能、這些功能帶給網友哪些利益,以及是哪一些價值觀驅使網友追求這些利益。因此本研究以「方法目的鏈理論」為基礎,透過「階梯訪談法」,深入訪談社會網絡網站的使用者,了解其對於社會網絡網站認知的「價值階層圖」(HVM),並將使用者分為大學生和上班族兩群,分析其價值階層圖之異同,並提供社會網絡網站業者對於網站功能改善的建議。
    As the social network sites(SNSs) have became widespread, the relevant research has also increased. These resaerches have focused on privacy issues, online/offline connections, impression management and friendship performance, and networks and network structure. To date, there lacks research that using qualitative methods to analyze which SNSs attributes users prefer, which benefits the attributes bring, and which values motivate users to gain the benefits. This thesis adopts the “Means-End Chain Model(MEC)” as the research methodology, and the researcher interviews survey candidates by laddering method. The goal of the interview is to obtain the hierarchical value maps(HVM) perceived by the survey respondents. The survey respondents are divided into two groups: college students and full-time workers, and their HVMs are compared. In the end, there are suggestions for improving the functions of SNSs.
    The interview data are analyzed by content analysis method, and then drawn as HVM. The connections between elements in HVM of college students include “Flash game connects to Mood-adjusting”, “Micro blog connects to Mood-adjusting”, “Micro blog connects to Concern-gaining”, “Micro blog connects to Concern-offering”, “Blog connects to Concern-offering”, “Blog connects to Memory-remaining”, “Visual and auditive elements access connects to Memory-remaining”, “Mood-adjusting connects to Fun and enjoyment”, “Concern-gaining connects to Sense of belonging”, “Concerning-offering connects to Warm relationships with others”, and “Visual and auditive elements access connects to Warm relationships with others”. The connections between elements in HVM of full-time workers include “Blog connects to Memory-remaining”, “Blog connects to Concern-offering”, “Blog connects to Concern-gaining”, “Micro blog connects to Concern-offering”, “Micro blog connects to Concern-gaining”, “Micro blog connects to Advertisement”, “Visual and auditive elements access connects to Concern-offering”, “Visual and auditive elements access connects to Concern-gaining”, “Visual and auditive elements access connects to Increasing the topic of conversation”, “Photo tag connects to Manners”, “Concern-offering connects to Warm relationships with others”, “Concern-gaining connects to Sense of belonging”, and “Blog connects to Fun and enjoyment”.
    The suggestions for improving the functions of SNSs are: 1. Provide the website attributes users prefer; 2. Improve the quality of interaction among users; 3. Provide the simple privacy classification interface; 4. Increase the entertainment value; 5. Different SNSs should develop different characteristics.
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