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Title: | 消費幻想在虛擬媒介上的初探:以愛情公寓為例 The exploration of the consumer fantasy on the virtual channel: take i-part as an example |
Authors: | 游凱鈺 Yu, Kai Yu |
Contributors: | 錢玉芬 Chian, Yu Fen 游凱鈺 Yu, Kai Yu |
Keywords: | 消費幻想 虛擬媒介 Consumer Fantasy Virtual Channel |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2010-12-08 01:51:58 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究針對消費幻想此議題,進行有別於傳統媒介上的研究。消費幻想是一種特殊消費動機,起源於因現實生活中的限制,無法達成追求的目的,使的內心產生不舒服的感受,為了消除這種負面感受,只好以間接的方式來達成目標,亦即以滿足幻想為出發點而產生的消費行為。此研究過去在實體媒介被探討,然而因為現階段的時空背景下,人們與網路的關係越發密切,因此本報告將把此議題放在虛擬媒介上作研究,意即以一線上社群交友網站會員-愛情公寓的住戶們為對象進行研究。
有鑑於本研究探討的媒介與往常的研究不同,因此發現了許多關於幻想的另一層面,研究結果可供後續的學術研究在虛擬媒介上作一步探討時提供基礎,並可供運用幻想消費為行銷手法的人員作執行上及思維上的參考依據。 The study aims to investigate the theme- consumer fantasy, on a new channel. Consumer fantasy defines as a special consumption motivation, it originates from the limits that prevent people to achieve the goal and intern arises an uncomfortable feelings. In order to subside these negative feelings, people then achieve the goal in an indirect manner, which is the fantasy- driven consumer behavior. This was often been studies on a physical channel, however, due to the internet era, people have more close relation with internet than before, this study will have the theme- consumer fantasy, research on the virtual channel, using I-Part as the example.
The research method of the study is grounded theory in qualitative research, interviewing 7 female inhabitants, age range from 14- 40 years old, via online instant messenger. The study results 4 typical stories and a model that constructs by 6 factors. The 4 typical stories( The happiness on design, the extension of love, looking for agreement and friends-hood enlargement) reveals 3 fulfillments(freedom, love, and friendship), and the 6 factors of the model depict the process of fantasy fulfillment, adding the complementary that is required.
The study results that, besides the website functions that act as a significant part on fantasy fulfillment, website characteristics also play a weighty role. Secondly, people may have the share needs or desires, but the elements of the needs or desires of people may be different from each to another. Furthermore, this study found out that, people may have affection toward the virtual objects after using the website, as well as some of the inhabitant even show the second characteristic during playing the role. Finally, the study found out that the fantasy process may be continuous as long as the limit in the real world exists.
Due to the different channel the theme is research on, the study discovers distinct facets of the topic. The results of the study may acted as the exploration for the academic research on consumer fantasy on the virtual channel, and hopefully, it could also provide some thoughts to marketing people. |
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Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096355066 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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