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Title: | 電視頻道全時段廣告性節目之分析: 節目型態與法規 The analysis of program-length infomercials: format and regulation |
Authors: | 王智佳 Wang, Chih Chia |
Contributors: | 鄭自隆 王智佳 Wang, Chih Chia |
Keywords: | 置入性行銷 節目化廣告 廣告化節目 全時段廣告性節目 傳播法規 Product placement infomercial program-length infomercial the regulation of communication |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2010-12-08 01:51:22 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 台灣的電視頻道競爭激烈,各台為求生存,逐漸往商業化靠攏,在節目中混入產品訊息,讓閱聽人無法分辨是節目抑或廣告,產生了「節目廣告化」或「廣告節目化」問題,此類節目常被稱為「資訊型節目」,但「資訊型節目」內容具有強烈推銷意圖,已經不能單純將之視為「資訊」提供,故本研究以將時段拋售給業者以及內容具廣告意圖的節目,以「全時段廣告性節目」指稱。
3、研究對象之節目均可能涉及「節目與廣告未明顯區分」、「需明示意圖」、「廣告播放時間限制」、「違背消費性專輯製作原則」、「違背節目廣告化與廣告節目化認定原則」以及「違背中華民國電視道德規範和電視節目製作範例」之規定,相關法律管制程序與審查制度均值得進一步探討。 In order to cover the cost, media gives up their public duty and surrenders to commercialism. However, the limited media market still cannot support all media in Taiwan. TV productions therefore combine the programs and the commercials, making TV programs mixed with the message of products. The audiences no longer identify the commercials from TV programs. The kind of TV program is so-called “infomercial” or “Program-length infomercial.”
The program-length infomercials are increasing recently. The contents are usually adapted the program formats and contain the intentions of promotion. With the normal length of TV programs, program-length infomercials involve both features of programs and commercials. This study aims of analyzing the program-length infomercials. It focuses mainly on its regular models of presentation and the related regulations. The research method adopts qualitative methodology to portrait the possible surroundings in the industry. The study starts with analyzing the text of infomercials. Then, the researcher classifies the gratifications designed for the audiences inside the program. In the end, by contrasting the regulations and the censorship with the results of in-depth interviewing, this study discusses the defect inside the system.
In conclusion, the program-length infomercials hold certain models of presentation. They also involve in several gratifications. The provision of information is the chief factor among those designed gratifications. The results show that programs are mainly against the regulation of being distinguishable from advertisement to maintain the completeness. Therefore, the commercialization of TV programs is the common problem nowadays. This study suggests that the consistent identification of the program-length infomercials will avoid the controversy between advertisers and regulators. Certain deregulations of advertisement or additional regulations for infomercials will also ease the tensions. Besides, improving the efficiency of censorship will encourage the advertisers to apply the legal qualification. Last but not the least, developing the literacy of infomercial will be the most effective method for the audience to avoid the possible disputes. |
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