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Title: | 影響美妝部落格可信度因素探析 Analysis of factors affecting cosmetic blog credibility |
Authors: | 葉凱凌 |
Contributors: | 陳憶寧 葉凱凌 |
Keywords: | 可信度 自我揭露 美妝部落格 商業意圖揭露 部落格特性 blog feature cosmetic blog credibility disclosure of intentions to sell self-disclosure |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2010-12-08 01:51:10 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 根據經濟部統計,在全球經濟不景氣的情況下,彩妝業在2009與2008年同期相比,仍成長了2.72%,以金額來說,台灣彩妝一年有新台幣720多億元市場,而保養品的市場量則一直維持在美妝品市場40%以上比例,兩者合計之金額足見美妝市場之大。因此對於行銷人員來說,瞭解現代女性選擇美妝產品的方式成為一個重要的課題。
本研究建議在部落格行銷上,應改進過去多用「量產」的口碑行銷方式贏得市面上的曝光量與正面評價,以提升文章深度。多媒體方面可以提升圖文的質感,主題性上可以形塑部落客在美妝領域的專業角色,並利用自我揭露的方式拉近與網友的距離等方式提高可信度。另外要注意內容過於詳盡易帶給網友不信任的負面觀感,而商業意圖不僅是政府開始注意的議題,也是美妝部落格可信度的殺手。 According to a Ministry of Economic Affair’s study, cosmetic industry in Taiwan is continuously growing under the global economic recession in recent years. The makeup product market is greater than NT 720 billion a year in Taiwan, in which the proportion of the skin care product market in cosmetic industry remains 40%., which may show the potential of this industry. Therefore, it is important for marketers to understand the behavior of consumers in this industry, especially women’s, accounting for most of the share.
Women between 20 and 29 will consider other users’ evaluation of products when they have to make decisions on purchasing cosmetic products. Therefore, it is natural to infer that cosmetic blogs and bloggers will become “opinion leaders” in cosmetic areas, and they may exert their influence on consumers’ consumption. If we know why and how users trust in cosmetic blogs and bloggers, we may help the cosmetics marketing in blogosphere. .
Factors affecting blog credibility were divided into five dimensions: (1) time, (2) motivation: information exchange, personal relationship and social recreation, (3) blog feature: quick update, independent control, interactive, multimedia and fragmentation, (4) self-disclosure, (5) business intention disclosure. We found that “information exchange”, “personal relationship”, “multimedia”, “fragmentation” and “self-disclosure” have positive effects on credibility. On the contrary, content of blog feature—“detailed content” and “disclosure of intention to sell” have negative effects.
Consequently, this study suggests that from a multimedia perspective, bloggers should improve quality of posts, and upgrade blogger’s professional images. Furthermore, using self-disclosure strategies may improve relationships between bloggers and visitors. Last but not least, detailed content easily brings negative impression, and intentions to sell in blogs were not only monitored by government but viewed as defect of credibility by visitors. |
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