Abstract: | 為加強國內業者在網路資訊時代的競爭力,政府正積極將推動電子商務列為重要的施政方針之一,配合國內業者對於發展電子商務的積極態度,我國發展電子商務的潛力,已經受到國際的肯定。但是在發展電子商務之際,業者所遭遇的問題,除了安全的問題外,就是於從事電子交易時所可能面臨的法律不確定因素,而這種不確定,不但可能增加企業的法律風險,更可能造成業者責任的增加,這種法律風險與責任可以從法國法院命令Yahoo!應遵守法國法律並阻止來自法國的使用者接觸有關納粹物品的命令,就可以輕易得知。因此各國都積極透過立法或是國際公約的方式,提供電子交易一個穩定的法律環境。由於電子交易制度所可能面臨的問題繁多,除了傳統法律所可能面臨的問題之外,更有許多新興的法律問題,為此,本研究計劃乃將研究重點著重於電子交易制度的基礎問題,特別是電子交易制度所面臨的契約問題、電子交易制度所面臨的訴訟法問題以及電子契約所面臨的管轄權與國際私法問題,除就各國相關法制加以探討外,亦對相關之國際公約或發展趨勢加以介紹與討論,除可提供國內主管機關在制定電子商務相關政策時之參酌,亦可供國內電子商務業者在實際進行電子交易時參酌。In order to increase the competitiveness of local enterprises, Taiwan government has adopted various ecommerce policies, such as direct R&D investment, tax incentive and better the legal environment, to encourage the development of the ecommerce in Taiwan. On the other hand, local enterprises also are heavily investing on ecommerce related fields. Such governmental and industrial efforts have made Taiwan one of the top 10 countries that has best potential in developing ecommerce. In reality, other than the security issues that threatening the sound development of the whole ecommerce industry, the most troubling issue is the uncertainty of the legal regulatory framework. Such dilemma has clearly evidenced by a French Court ordering Yahoo! to comply with the French law and to block French users from accessing Nazi memorabilia. Such legal uncertainty not only increases ecommerce industry??s legal risk as a whole, but also is unduly burdening individual ecommerce enterprises. To avoiding the uncertainty, consequently, many countries, even international organizations, such as UNCTAD, Hague Convention etc., are all trying to come up with some basic rules and regulation so as to help the growth of ecommerce and to minimize the potential legal uncertainty. Nevertheless, ecommerce is actually facing more problems than its traditional business counterparts. It not only has to face all the traditional legal issues that are existing in the real world, but also have to face a lot of new legal issues, such as tax, privacy, consumer protection, unfair competition. For the purpose of facilitating the research goal, this project will focus on three main topics that are most troubling for the ecommerce worldwide. They are: contractual issues, litigation issues and jurisdictional issues relevant to ecommerce. The result of this research will not only help governmental agency in formulating their ecommerce policies, but will also help local ecommerce enterprises have a better understanding of the ecommerce legal framework. |