Abstract: | 隨著科技的進步與網路的普及,傳統著作在成為數位化著作之後,不但可以大量且便宜的複製,更可以迅速透過網路傳送至世界各地。也因此在網路時代中,應如何對著作加以保護,乃成為新的課題。為因應此種挑戰,世界智慧財產權組織於一九九六年完成兩個與著作權有 關的國際公約。此等公約不但賦予著作權人因應網路時代的新種權利,更強化對著作的保護,隨著各國逐漸完成相關的立法,其影響力也開始逐漸浮現,其中則以反規避條款在目前引發最多的爭議。由於反規避條款與傳統著作權的保護要件不同,再加上各國根據WIPO條約所為之立法內容亦不盡相同,使得反規避條款在適用上有其爭議。另外,由於 美國在一九九八年所訂定的千禧年著作權法(DMCA)對違反第1201條反規避條款的行為課以嚴苛的民事與刑事責任,其相關條文已經於2000年12月全部生效,使得反規避條款的適用與未來可能的影響更產生疑慮。在DMCA的實施過程中,陸續引發受到各方關切的案件,例如RealNetwork, DVD(2600.com)等案件,不但顯示其可能影響範圍廣泛,更對著作權之合理使用原則構成嚴重的威脅。若地方法院此等見解最終獲得維持,不但將會對未來著作權之保護與利用造成重大的影響,亦會對資訊與電腦產業造成衝擊,故本研究擬議將對此議題進行深入的研究。 Due to the advancement of Internet and digital technologies, traditional copyrighted materials can be easily and cheaply duplicated, and then be transmitted through Internet around the world. As a result, how to protect copyrighted materials in the digital environment has become a new challenge for the copyright holders. To cope with such challenge, WIPO held two diplomatic conferences in 1996 and successfully concluded two copyright treaties that are closely relevant to the protection of copyright in the future. Four years after the initiation of the treaties and after major countries gradually promulgated or near the completion of their copyright law revamption, the influence of the WIPO treaties is finally materialized. Among all the provisions in these two WIPO treaties, the most controversy and the most influential provision is the so called "Anti-Circumvention" provision, which is appear in Article 12 and Article 19 in each treaty respectively. Since this provision is different from traditional copyright principle, and since the legal language passed by individual country also differs, it will make the industry difficult to comply. Moreover, considering the fact that US version of the WIPO treaties, i.e., Digital Millennium Copyright Protection Act (DMCA) has provided harsh civil and penal provisions for those who violates the Anti-Circumvention provision, i.e. Section 1201, the potential influence of this provision will be strengthened accordingly. After US promulgated the DMCA, several cases that are related to the Anti-Circumvention provision have being litigated. The most important case is related to the so-called DeCSS software that decode the CSS encryption applied by MPAA. Pursuant to the district court decision, the Anti-Circumvention provision will further limit the traditional fair use defense. Had district court`s decision been upheld by appellate court, or the Supreme Court of the United States, such judicial decision will have serious impact on information and computer industries. Due to the importance of such potential influence, and considering such provision might have detrimental impacts on local industries, this research project will conduct thorough research in this regard and will provide relevant suggestion to local industries. |