Abstract: | 本研究以Petty,Cacioppo等人在思維可能性模式架構下所提出的多元情感角色模式(Petty, Cacioppo, & Kasmer, 1987; Petty, Cacioppo, Sedikides, & Strathman, 1988; Petty, DeSteno, & Rucker, 2001; Petty, Gleicher, & Baker, 1991)為基礎,來探討情境引發情感在處理高低涉入商品廣告時所產生的影響。正如假設所預期,本研究結果顯示:當閱聽眾處理高涉入商品的廣告,同時廣告呈現弱論點時,快樂的受試者對於有正面的線索的廣告產生較佳態度並對商品形成較高評價;但是當廣告呈現強論點時,正負面線索則不會對廣告態度或商品評估產生影響。對於憂傷的受試者而言,強論點的廣告較弱論點的廣告令其對於商品形成較佳的態度,但是廣告中的正負線索對於其商品態度形成則無差異影響。此外,本研究推論:情境引發情感會影響到受試者的廣告反應,但是此假設並未獲得驗證。本研究結果的學術價值與應用性將在討論中闡述。 Drawing upon the multiple roles of affect in the Elaboration Likelihood Model proposed by Petty, Cacioppo, and their colleagues (Petty, Cacioppo, & Kasmer, 1987; Petty, Cacioppo, Sedikides, & Strathman, 1988; Petty, DeSteno, & Rucker, 2001; Petty, Gleicher, & Baker, 1991), this study explored the different roles that affect plays in the ad message reception process for a high involving and a low involving product. As expected, findings showed that, when processing ad messages for a high involving product, participants in positive affective states responded more favorably to a positive ad cue than to a negative cue when ad arguments were weak, whereas ad cue valence did not influence their responses when ad arguments were strong. On the contrary, participants in negative affective states responded more favorably to ads with strong arguments than weak arguments but did not respond differently to ads with positive versus negative cues. However, the proposed main effect of affective state on ad judgments for a low involving product did not emerge. |