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Title: | 國民中學教職人員之心理契約研究 |
Authors: | 陳美娟 |
Contributors: | 林邦傑 陳美娟 |
Keywords: | 心理契約 教職人員心理契約 psychological contract psychological contract of teaching staff |
Date: | 2005 |
Issue Date: | 2010-04-25 17:15:27 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探究國民中學教職人員之心理契約內容與架構。具體而言,本研究目的有: 一、探討國民中學組織的心理契約內容; 二、探析國民中學人員的心理契約內容; 三、比較組織心理契約與人員心理契約之異同; 四、分析不同人口與環境變項在心理契約內容上的差異。 五、根據研究結果,提出結論與建議,以提供學校機關和學校領導人對學 校經營管理與人力運用之參考,並盼對學術界提出意見,以供後續 研究探討之用。
研究採用文獻探討法和問卷調查法。實徵研究部分以全國708所公立國民中學的教職人員為對象,共抽取80所學校,820教職人員為受試者進行調查,並使用自編之「國民中學教職人員之心理契約量表」進行施測,計回收有效問卷為617份。所得資料以SPSS/PC13.0統計套裝軟體進行述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數(ANOVA)分析並以LISREL8.5進行潛在因素驗證,再對各項分析進行討論與解釋,所得主要結論如下: 一、國民中學教職人員之心理契約分為組織心理契約和人員心理契約兩 類。 二、組織心理契約有四條共二十款內容,第一條「體恤教職部屬」、第二 條「形塑組織願景」、第三條「提供環境支援」、第四條「建立人情 關懷」。人員心理契約有三條共二十四款內容,第五條「維護教育專 業」、第六條「促進組織興革」、第七條「認同組織發展」。 二、組織認為最重要的組織心理契約條款為第三條「提供環境支援」、人 員認為最重要的人員心理契約條款為第五條「維護教育專業」。 三、組織組明顯在第二條「形塑組織願景」、第四條「建立人情關懷」、 第五條「維護教育專業」、第六條「促進組織興革」、第七條「認同 組織發展」高於人員組,顯示組織和人員對心理契約的看法有很大的 差異。 四、職務愈高者和學校職員在教職人員心理契約的看法上明顯高於其他職 務的教職人員。 五、本校年資愈久者在教職人員心理契約的看法上明顯高於本校年資淺的 教職人員。 六、在他校(單位)工作經驗愈久者在教職人員心理契約的看法上明顯高 於沒有他校(單位)工作經驗或其他學校(單位)工作經驗淺的教職 人員。 七、男性教職人員對心理契約的看法上在第四條「建立人情關懷」和第七 條「認同組織發展」明顯高於女性教職人員。 八、研究所以上教育程度者在教職人員心理契約的看法上明顯高於大學以 下教育度的教職人員。 九、東部及離島地區的教職人員在心理契約的看法上明顯高於北部地區的 教職人員。
另本研究根據研究結果提出數點建議以供參考。 This study use two kinds of research methods, one is literature review another is survey method. The survey instrument is called 「The questionnaire on psychological contract of teaching staff in junior high schools」. The survey samples are 820 teaching staffs from 80 junior high schools in Taiwan, R.O.C. There is 617 effective responses were analyzed by statistics、 t-test and one-way ANOVA using SPSS/PC13.0 program. Additionally, the potential factors were verified using LISREL8.5 program. The conclusions obtained from this study are summarized as follows: 1.The psychological contract of teaching staff in junior high schools can be divided into the organization and the staff two parts. 2.The psychological contract of organization includes four items: 「Be considerate of the staff」、「Bring up the organization’s envision」、「Provide a supportive environment」 and 「Establish humanity caring」. The psychological contract of staff includes three items: 「Enhance the expertise of education」、「Promote the evolution of the organization」 and 「Recognize the development of the organization」. 3.「Provide a supportive environment」is the most item for the psychological contract of organization. 「Enhance the expertise of education」is the most item for the psychological contract of staff. 4.There are obviously differences between the organizations and staffs in 「Bring up the organization’s envision」、 「Establish humanity caring」、「Enhance the expertise of education」、「Promote the evolution of the organization」 and 「Recognize the development of the organization」. 5.There are obviously differences between the administrators and teachers in junior high school. 6.There are obviously differences between the seniority staffs and the junior staffs. 7.There are obviously differences between the staffs with more experiences in other school and the staffs with less or no experiences in other school. 8.There are obviously differences between the male staffs and the female staffs in 「Establish humanity caring」 and 「Recognize the development of the organization」. 9.There are obviously differences between the staffs with Master or above Master and the staffs with Bachelor or below Bachelor. 10.There are obviously differences between the staffs locate in the eastern of island / offshore island and in northern of island.
Finally, based on the conclusions of this study, here come some suggestions for future studies. |
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