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    题名: 國中校長家長式領導與教師組織承諾關係之研究
    A Study on Relationship between Principals’ Paternalistic Leadership and Teachers’Organizational Commitment in Junior High Schools
    作者: 羅盛虹
    Lo, Sheng-Hung
    贡献者: 吳政達
    Lo, Sheng-Hung
    关键词: 家長式領導
    paternalistic leadership
    organization commitment
    Job satisfaction
    日期: 2006
    上传时间: 2010-04-25 16:20:03 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 本研究在於探討國中校長家長式領導與教師組織承諾之關係,根據文獻分析,及採用問卷調查法;以瞭解國中教師對校長家長式領導與教師組織承諾之現況、差異情形及其相關,並探討工作滿意是否為校長家長式領導與教師組織承諾的中介變項。
    The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between principal’s paternalistic leadership and teacher’s organization commitment in Junior High Schools. according to the analysis of references and adaptation of questionary survey method to understand the current situation of principal’s paternalistic leadership and teacher’s organization commitment, as well as the correlation and the difference between them,and to discuss the mediating effects of job satisfaction toward principals’ paternalistic leadership and teachers’ organizational commitment.

    This study took the teachers junior high school in Taipei County as population,and got samples by stratified random sampling. 468 samples are effective among 590 teachers and the rate of retrieve is 79.3 %. After analyzing the data by statistical methods of mean, standard deviation, t test, one-way ANOVA and canonical correlation, the results of this study were as follow:
    一、Principals of junior high schools performed above moderate level of paternalistic leadership behavior,especially the performance of moral leadership.
    二、Junior high school teachers’ performance in organization commitment was above the average, especially in affective commitment.
    三、Junior high school teachers showed above moderate level of Job satisfaction, among which the intrinsic satisfaction was perceived most.
    四、Teachers who are males and part-time rectors show higher perception of principal’s paternalistic leadership.
    五、Homeroom teachers who are over 41 years and with 11-20 years of service has more organization commitment.
    六、While principals perform high morale, benevolent leadership, teachers may have high affective commitment and normative commitment.
    七、Principals perform low authoritarian leadership promotes teachers’ affective commitment. However, teachers’ continuance commitment and normative commitment will demote.
    八、Job satisfaction does have mediating impact on principal’s paternalistic leadership and teachers’ organization commitment.
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