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Title: | 臺北市中學校園空間創意設計之研究 |
Authors: | 張秀惠 |
Contributors: | 詹志禹 張秀惠 |
Keywords: | 校園空間 創意設計 創造歷程 school campus creative design process of creative design |
Date: | 2004 |
Issue Date: | 2010-04-25 15:20:59 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究的目的在:一、辨認校園空間創意設計的特性。二、探尋創 意校園空間設計者的創意來源與發展歷程。三、瞭解創意校園空間設計者的特質。四、解析創意校園空間設計的發生脈絡。 本研究採質性研究方法,以一年的時間,深度訪談四位校園空間創意 設計成果傑出的校長。依據研究目的,擬訂訪談大綱進行半結構式深度訪談,並提出研究者的反省,經資料的整理與分析,得到結論如下: 一、校園空間創意設計產品的特性 (一)四所校園空間創意產品與新、變、精、進、絕、妙等判斷原則 互相呼應。(二)四所校園空間創意產品均展現了某種程度的教育意義。 二、校園空間創意設計者的成長環境及養成教育 (一)多半從小生長在寬廣遼闊的生活空間。(二)專業素養大多不只專精於某一領域。 三、校園空間創意設計者的人格特質 (一)有高度的工作熱忱,態度認真而投入,善於溝通。(二)態度謙和卻也自信從容。(三)有高度的人文素養。(四)重視人文對空間的影響力。(五)對於環境空間敏於觀察。 四、校園空間創意設計的發生脈絡及其歷程 (一)都會地區學校面臨的共同問題是校地狹小。(二)公共藝術成為新建學校的特有文化。(三)參與式的共同創作成就了校園空間的創意設計。(四)專家學者的共同協助。(五)在校園規劃設計時,受訪者所重視的空間特性具有個別差異。(六)以學生為中心是校園空間創意設計最重要的概念。 最後依據結論提出對教育當局、有心校園空間創意設計者的建議,並對未來研究者提出五項建議。 The purposes of the study are to: 1. Enumerate and distinguish the characteristics of creative design of school space 2. Probe deeply into the origin of creativity and the skills and development potential a school space designer must possess 3. Understand the characteristics of a school space designer and 4. Analyze the process of creative space design. This study adopted a qualitative approach. During the one-year time span of the study, the researcher conducted in-depth interviewing with four outstanding principals who were accomplished in creative school space design. According to the purpose of the study, the researcher created interview outlines on the basis of a semi-structural approach and offered a researcher’s retrospect. The conclusions that were reached are as follows: I. Characteristics of the products of creative design of school space: 1. The products of the four creative designs of school space correspond to the principles of innovation, variety, elegance, improvement, excellence, and delicacy. 2. The four creative designs of school space are meaningful to certain extent in education. II. The environment and upbringing of creative school campus designers in their youths: 1. Most of them were brought up in a spacious environment. 2. Most of them specialized in more than one field during their education. III. The characteristics of a creative school campus designer 1. They all posses high enthusiasm in their work, are devoted, and communicative. 2. They are humble and self-reliant. 3. They are highly and liberally educated. 4. They pay attention to the effect that humanity may have on space design. 5. They are apt to observe space as an environment. IV. The origins and experience of the occurrence of creative school space 1. Schools in the metropolitan areas face a common problem, i.e., limited school area. 2. Public art displays become a special phenomenon in newly built schools. 3. Teamwork accomplishes creative school campus design. 4. With the cooperation and help of experts and scholars, the creative school campus design is successfully completed. 5. In the designing of a school campus, the interviewees pay much attention to individual site differences in terms of school space. 6. Student-centered design for school campuses is the most crucial focus for campus designers. Finally, five suggestions are offered to educational establishments and all those interested in school campus design for further studies. |
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Description: | 國立政治大學 學校行政碩士在職專班 90911022 93 |
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