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    Title: 命中注定會成癮?:由玩家的線上遊戲生命歷程探討遊戲「成癮」
    Destined to be Addicted?: Understanding Game "Addiction" through Gamers` Online Gaming Life Story
    Authors: 李宜家
    Lee, I Chia
    Contributors: 林鶴玲

    Lin, Ho lin
    Ku, Chung Hwa

    Lee, I Chia
    Keywords: 線上遊戲
    online game
    life story
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2010-04-09 17:39:23 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 玩大型多人角色扮演線上遊戲(MMORPGs)的行為在國內日漸普遍,但是許多人玩線上遊戲的現象卻經常被社會大眾和媒體報導認為是一種負面社會問題,並將玩遊戲與遊戲成癮作直接的連結。許多成癮研究也強化了「持續玩線上遊戲的行為,最終容易導致病態行為成癮的結果」之因果邏輯。但是,事實上許多玩家經常自行決定進入、持續玩,和退出一款線上遊戲,並非最終都會走向遊戲成癮的宿命。因此,本研究的主要目的即在於透過遊戲玩家的個人線上遊戲生命歷程,重新檢視遊戲「成癮」以及「玩線上遊戲便注定導致病態成癮」的邏輯。

    Playing massive multiplayer online role playing games (MMORPGs) has become a popular activity in Taiwan, but it has often been regarded as a social problem, linking to game addiction, by the mass media and the public. Many addiction researches have also enforced the logic that “pathological game addiction is the most likely result of continuous online gaming activity”. However, many gamers in fact often begin, continue, and quit playing an online game according to their own will, instead of ending up as a pathologic game addict. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to re-approach game “addiction” and the logic of “online gamers are destined to be addicted” through gamers` online gaming life story.

    Using methods of depth interview and participant observation to depict gamers’ long-term online gaming life story, this research tries to interpret under what social context and influencing factors, do gamers change their attitude and effort to playing online games. Findings of this research tells us that many online gamers claim to have been “addicted” to online gaming some time in the past, but the “addiction” is only a certain stage in their long-term gaming life, and even regarded as a life-style by some. Online gamers do not continuously put a lot of effort to playing games just because they are attracted by the features of online game design. During the course of game play, they are persistently influenced by game design, gaming community, social context, and their own judgment of values. Also, they often self-monitor and re-adjust their gaming styles and effort, in order to meet their needs of multiple pleasures. Moreover, when gamers become confused of how they should re-adjust their gaming activities, they tend to search for assistance from the gaming community. Therefore, this research believes that the problematic logic of pathological game addiction being the final destined result of gaming should be reconsidered and understood from other perspectives, because many phenomenon currently considered pathologic addiction, may only be a short period or segment of gamers’ normal long-term online gaming life.
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